Chapter 4: The Battle of the Hornburg

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The women and children were sent into the caves to stay there until the battle was over. The men and the boys who were old enough to fight were parted from them. Éowyn had to stay in the caves. I was with the men to hand out swords and armor. I had my own.

"Farmers, farriers, stable boys," Aragorn noted. "These are no soldiers."
"Most have seen too many winters," Gimli said.
"Or too few," Legolas said. I decided to stay out of the argument, I knew it would be okay.
"Look at them, they're frightened," Legolas said. "I can see it in their eyes." Sure you can, Elf.
He started to talk to Aragorn in Sindarin. I didn't exactly know what he said, but I knew it was about losing the battle. Because it was three hundred against ten thousand. If you don't count the Elves and the Rohirrim.

"Legolas, Gandalf will come at dawn," I said in English. Pity I didn't know how to speak Elvish. I walked to the Elf.
"He will bring Éomer and an army of Rohirrim with him," I whispered, not everyone needed to hear it.
"We have to delay the attack as long as possible."

I went to the room I had got earlier to stay in, and I tried to mentally prepare. It was a small room, but had everything I needed. If only my diary was here, so I could write what I had already done. But I had left that in Rivendell.
I put on my chainmail, my belt with sword and dagger, and my quiver with bow and newly filled with arrows. I looked in the tiny mirror that hang on the wall and fixed my hair so it wouldn't get in the way. I sighed. I really should have given that nervous feeling a name. It was there again.

I walked to the Three Hunters who were also ready. Then we heard a horn. I smiled big.
"That is no Orc horn," Legolas said, and we all ran outside. A whole host of Elves was at our door. With Haldir in front.

"I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell," Haldir said to the confused king Théoden. "An alliance once existed between Elves and Men. Long ago we fought and died together. We've come to honor that allegiance."
"Mae go'vannen Haldir," Aragorn greeted the Elf. Haldir greeted him back with a nod, but then Aragorn decided he would give the Marchwarden a human hug back. Haldir was kind of startled, but embraced him.
"You are most welcome."

I walked to Haldir and bowed my head.
"It's good to see you," I said with a smile.
"It is very good to see you too," he answered.

When Legolas greeted him, the army of Elves turned instantly. Probably because he was a prince.
"We are proud to fight alongside Men once more," Haldir said.

We then all went up the wall, and stood at the ready with our bows in our hands. I had the honor to stand beside Haldir. From a little distance I saw Gimli struggling to look over the wall; he was too short. Legolas looked my way and I smiled softly. Then I looked in front of me and saw the armies of Saruman march our way. They were in huge numbers. More than in the Battle of the Five Armies. That was nothing compared to this.

At one moment, it started to rain. We all kept standing still, although my legs started to ache. My hair was getting soaked, as were my clothes. I didn't wear much armor to look cool or anything, but with less weight at my body made it possible for me to move faster and avoid getting hit. If armor had that possibility, I would have chosen that.

When the Orcs were close enough, Aragorn started to yell things in Sindarin, probably like 'get ready' or something. I didn't need a translation. The Uruk-Hai started cheering, but we didn't fire yet. I had aimed too, but it was hard holding for so long, so I relaxed my bow for a while. Aragorn yelled something again and the Elves let go of their arrows, so I did the same. So it begins. No wait. A line from STARSET. It has begun.

The Uruks started running towards us, and after every couple seconds we were commanded to shoot. The Ranger also commanded the Elves behind us, within the walls, to shoot.

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