Chapter One: The Beginning to Now

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In National City, a certain Lena Kieran Luthor was busy working in her lab during the bustling of people heading home from their jobs. As usual, she was busy studying something and barely noticed the passage of time. She shared her brother's intellect and enjoyed tinkering around with recent technology in her spare time. Besides, running Luthor Corp, as it was now known thanks to the new multiverse, took its toll thanks to Lex's actions with Leviathan causing the public to suspect that she had something to do with it. Lena finished the last of the day's tests and jotted down the results. Just as she was about to grab her coat, her phone chimed and brought her attention to it. She picked it up and saw that she had received a text from Kara.

Kara: Hey, Lena! Want me to come by and bring some Big Belly Burger?

Lena smiled when she saw the text from Kara. It had been a few weeks since she had admitted her feelings to the Kryptonian. And now, whenever she thought about or saw her, she couldn't stop smiling. Something about how Kara was just so happy to see her and hang out like a puppy that was happy to see its owner made her forget the day's stress.

Lena: Sure, Kara. I could use the company after spending hours in my lab.

Kara: You spend too much time in the lab, Lena. You need to relax too and get away from there occasionally. I can take you on a flight around the city if you want.

Lena: Kara, you know that I hate flying.

Kara: I know, but you'd be with me. And you know that I'd never let you fall. I'll keep you in my arms the entire time. Besides, I know of a beautiful place we could go to, but only if I fly there.

Lena shook her head, knowing full well that Kara would have given her the puppy-dog eyes if she had been next to her.

Lena: Okay, I'll consider your offer. I could get away from L-Corp for a while, but do not get your hopes up. I still hate flying, even if it is in the safety of your arms.

                                                              *      *      *

Lena turned her phone off and walked out of her lab. The trip back to her office was long as exhaustion took its toll on her body. However, the thought of getting to see Kara was enough to get to her office. She opened the heavy wooden doors and saw Kara standing on her balcony. In her hand was a bag from Big Belly Burger. Lena had never been so delighted to see her friend and food. Come to think of it, she could not remember if she had eaten lunch or just worked through it. Greeting her best friend, she wrapped her arms around her, enjoying the warm embrace she had grown used to.

"I'm glad to see you, Kara," said Lena as she pulled away from the Kryptonian.

Kara beamed at the raven-haired CEO as she walked into her office. "Well, I'm here, and I brought offerings."

Lena followed Kara to the couch as she set the bag down and began to pull out its contents. She grabbed a burger and began to unwrap it, her stomach grumbling at the aroma of the food in front of her. After taking a bite, she turned to Kara and noticed that the Kryptonian seemed worried about something. That caused Lena to be concerned for her. So, she furrowed her brows together, shifting closer to her on the couch.

"Kara is everything all right?" asked Lena, her eyes studying Kara's.

Kara swallowed. "Yeah, everything is fine. I'm just stressed about some of the articles I have to finish."

"Kara." Lena set her burger down and pointed to Kara's forehead, where a crinkle was forming between her eyebrows. "I can see the crinkle, and I've spent enough time with you to know that you're lying when it shows."

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