Chapter Ten: The Long-Awaited Date

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The House of El symbol stared back at Lena Luthor. Almost taunting her. As she sat on her couch, coffee in hand, she replayed her conversation from the previous night. Kara's reluctance to say anything, her avoidance of the subject, stung. All Lena wanted was to talk, to have an open conversation about kryptonite. She understood that it was a sensitive subject - for both of them. Given their families' respective histories with the substance, it wasn't hard to see why Kara didn't want her to bring it up, especially considering recent events.

Just then, a series of knocks on her door pulled the youngest Luthor from her thoughts. She set her coffee down and approached the door.

Opening it, Lena found herself face to face with Kara's sister. "Alex. What're you doing here?"

"I came to make sure you're all right," replied Alex. "Mind if I come in?"

Lena nodded and stepped aside.

"So, how're you feeling, Lena?"

"Well, considering I'm no longer a danger to your sister, I'm fine," Lena replied as she joined Alex in her living room.

Alex looked down at the ravenette's table, seeing the open box containing the suit Kara gave her. The emblem on the front revealed that it was the old version of the one her sister now wore. She looked at Lena, who cleared her throat and sat in front of it. So many questions were going through her head, but Alex restrained herself.

"Lena, why do you have Kara's old suit?" inquired Alex.

"It's not her old suit. Kara had Brainy make a replica for me," replied Lena, her eyes lingering on the emblem before meeting Alex's. "She didn't tell you?"

"No." Alex looked back at the white box. "How long have you had this?"

"About a couple of months now," replied Lena.

Alex looked at Lena, mouth slightly ajar. "Right."

"I'm surprised Kara never mentioned it. How is she?" Lena asked, taking a sip of coffee.

"Better," said Alex as she joined the youngest Luthor on the couch. "She's busy preparing for your date tonight."

Lena stared at the suit. "Right. Speaking of, how do you feel about Kara and me?"

"Well, you love her, right?"

The ravenette met Alex's gaze. "I do."

"Then, I'm fine with you having feelings for my sister," replied Alex, smiling at the youngest Luthor.

"Even though I'm a Luthor?"

"Lena." Alex rested one of her hands on Lena's knee. "You're more than your last name. She, like me, knows that you're a kind-hearted person who wants to improve the world."

The older Danvers' words made Lena smile.

Alex's phone chirped. Pulling it from her pocket, she saw a text from Kelly. "Well, as much as I'd like to stick around and chat, Kelly and I must get going. We're helping Kara with the planning."

Lena grabbed the box with the suit and got up from the couch. Handing it to the older Danvers sister, she said, "Mind giving this back to her? I'd do it myself, but I have back-to-back meetings today."

Alex took the box apprehensively. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," replied Lena.

"Okay," said Alex as she closed the box and carried it under her arm.

While waiting in the lobby, Kelly stood up as Alex came out of the elevator. "So, how's Lena?"

"She's good," Alex replied as they returned to the car.

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