Chapter Eight: A Nightmarish Reality

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National City, illuminated by the moon's glow, quieted down. By now, most of its citizens were asleep. While in the Luthor Corp building, silence and tension almost suffocated the lab. There were notes sprawled out on one of the tables next to the sample of the kryptonite serum Lena had examined hours earlier. Alex glanced over the data from the Harun-El trials, trying to figure out how to create an antidote for the green variant. But she wasn't having much luck. And her head began to pound, making it harder to tolerate the bright lights of the lab. Alex looked up from the microscope and glared at Lillian, who gave her an equally disdainful one. Her gaze shifted to her sister.

Kara, for all the power she possessed, looked so small. She had the edges of her sweater clasped against her palms as her one leg bobbed up and down. Her muscles refused to relax, forcing her to lean forward, resting her elbows on her knees. In contrast, Lillian sat with her legs crossed, back against the couch, and arms across her chest. Alex saw the worry in Kara's eyes as she looked up briefly. Needing the excuse to move her sore body, she got up and approached her sister and Lillian.

"Can I talk to my sister for a moment?" asked Alex, her voice hinting that it wasn't a request.

Lillian rolled her eyes but got up and moved.

"Are you okay, Kara?" Alex asked as she sat down on the couch.


Alex wrapped her arms around Kara, pulling her close.

"What if this doesn't work? What if I can't go near Lena again?"

The hopelessness in her sister's voice broke Alex's heart. Kara rested her head on her shoulder. She rubbed her sister's arm, resting her chin on her head. Ignoring Lillian's exasperated expression, Alex continued to comfort her sister. "It will."

"And what if it doesn't?"

"You know I'll do anything to ensure it does. And Lena will, too," said Alex as Kara shifted against her.

"I know, but I can't shake the feeling that it won't." Kara's voice cracked as she fought the tears. "I can't lose her, Alex. Not now. Not before we've had a chance to..."

Alex knew what her sister wanted to say. But looking at the Luthor matriarch, she understood why she hadn't spoken it aloud. Her blood boiled as she watched Lillian's expression shift from annoyance to disgust.

Kara pulled away from her sister's embrace as she said, "I'm going to get something to eat."

Alex grabbed her sister's hand before she could walk away. "We'll figure this out."

Kara gave Alex a small smile, eyes still misty from unshed tears, before walking out of the lab. That left Alex alone with Lillian.

And as the older Danvers walked back to the table, ready to examine her notes, she heard Lillian say, "Where's the Kryptonian going?"

"None of your business," replied Alex.

"Do you approve of my daughter having feelings for your sister?" asked Lillian.

Alex said nothing as she continued reading.

"Come on. We can be civilized, can't we?"

"I don't know. You put my sister through three variants of kryptonite, nearly killing her, endangered Lena, and all to prove that somehow Kara was dangerous," said Alex, turning to face Lillian.

"Well, I may have overstepped when trying to make my point," Lillian said, with little remorse in her voice. "But it's still valid. Your sister's a danger, and I can't have my daughter, a Luthor, dating that alien."

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