Chapter Six: Low Tide Revelations

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Kara sat on the med bay bed, bathed under the red sun lamps Brainy had constructed for her. It was time to check the levels of red kryptonite in her system. She dreaded it every day but knew that monitoring it was important. It'd been a week since her encounter with Lillian, and she could still feel the effects of it. It tried to convince her to ensure Lena never made any kryptonite again. Kara gripped the sheets, knuckles white as she stood her ground. She didn't want to give in to it after what happened. And after a few seconds, the urge backed off, allowing her to loosen her grip on the ripping fabric. She cleared her head as her sister walked into the room with a butterfly needle and two tubes in hand.

"Hey Kara, how'd you sleep?" asked Alex as she sat beside the bed.

"Okay, but I miss my bed." Kara held out her arm as her sister prepared the first tube.

"Well, if your kryptonite levels are low enough, you'll get to go back home." Alex gently pushed the needle into the crook of Kara's arm. "As much as J'onn and I want to keep you here until it's safe, we can't. Nia's covering for you with Andrea, but you'll have to go back to work."

"I know, and I'm dreading it. I don't know what'll happen if I go back to work," said Kara as her sister drew her blood. "How's Lena?"

Alex sighed. "I don't know, Kara. I've tried to contact Lena a few times, but she always seems to be away on business. Although I plan to swing by Luthor Corp today and ask her if she'd be willing to come by."

"Alex, don't force Lena to see me if she doesn't want to. She's probably recovering from what happened." Kara looked at her sister, her blue eyes pleading for her to take it easy on Lena.

"Okay, I won't go all protective sister on her... for now," said Alex, pulling the first tube out. "By the way, what happened?"

Kara looked away, forcing the images of her shoving Lena against the wall from her mind. "I... I hurt Lena, told her I regretted trusting her and should've stopped her from making kryptonite."

"Wow." Alex readied the second tube. "That's harsh."

"Yeah, I threatened Lena several times, even used my heat vision on her." The Kryptonian cringed as she remembered the second-degree burns she'd caused. "Oh, Rao! Lena must've been in pain."

"Surprisingly, Lena was a trooper, even when I was stitching her gunshot wound." Alex eyed the syringe, waiting until she had enough blood to test. "I was amazed; she barely flinched."

Kara had hurt Lena. Nothing her sister said could ease her guilt. And as she sat there, trying not to drown in the growing ocean of regret, Alex pulled the needle from her arm and placed cotton on the puncture spot. She held it there as her sister left the room to give the blood samples to Brainy. Part of Kara hoped her levels were low enough to let her return home. She missed the familiar surroundings of her apartment. Missed the comforting smells she'd become accustomed to. Besides, the lifeless background of the Tower only served as a reminder of the events that took place a week ago.

After a few minutes, Alex came back. "Well, your kryptonite levels are low enough. Just watch your temper; it may trigger a reaction."

"Okay," said Kara as she glanced at her bandages. "When can I remove these?"

"Soon, Kara," replied Alex. "Your body's still recovering from the kryptonite poisoning, but you should be fine by the end of today."

* * *

Back at Luthor Corp, Lena finished her last appointments for the afternoon. Thanks to Kara, Noonan's become a place she's frequented since her move to National City and one of her favorite places to eat. She headed down and got into the waiting car. And as she sat down, the youngest Luthor pulled out her phone and saw several missed calls from Alex. She sighed. Every time she'd tried to go to the Tower to see the Kryptonian, she stopped herself and backed out, often claiming to have other things to do. But she knew that excuse wasn't going to keep working. And eventually, Alex or one of Kara's friends would find out she'd been making excuses and convince Lena to talk to her.

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