Chapter Seven: Turbulent Times

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The next day, Lena paced back and forth in her office, wringing her hands together as she waited for the Danvers sisters to show. She'd looked at the USB drive that Lex left at her apartment and discovered that he was behind Jeremiah's death. And he'd manipulated Eve to kill for him, allowing him to frame her if the need arose. She knew he was maniacal, but Lena never thought he'd stoop this low. But the few green lines that protruded through her skin reminded her that Lex would. Her door opened and pulled her from her thoughts as she turned around.

"Lena, why did you call us here?" asked Alex as she and Kara walked toward the ravenette.

When Kara stepped closer, the youngest Luthor stepped back. "Don't come closer, Kara. I don't want to hurt you."

Kara furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "What? What are you talking about, Lena?"

"And why are you wearing sunglasses at this time of night?" asked Alex, pointing out the large shades covering Lena's eyes.

Lena reached up and slowly removed them. She avoided the Kryptonian's gaze as she said, "Lex showed up last night with the serum I made to kill him. He changed it, so it'll hurt Kara whenever she gets close to me."

"That still doesn't explain the sunglasses," said Alex, glancing at Kara.

Lena fixed her gaze on her desk, trying to find the words to explain what'd happened. "When the serum entered my body, it altered it, changing my eyes and leaving several green veins by the injection site."

"Can I see?" asked Kara as she closed the distance between her and Lena, ignoring the sensation of needles. "Please."

Unable to fight against the pleading tone in the Kryptonian's voice, not wanting to hurt her, Lena stepped back and rolled up the sleeve of her shirt. She pulled her hand away as she allowed the sisters to examine the unsightly veins on her arm. The pain she endured last night was still fresh in her mind. And looking down, she was reminded that her brother had made another attempt to invade her life. Why couldn't he leave her alone? Why did her family have to ensure that their infamy also trailed her? The feeling of Kara gingerly grabbing her wrist yanked Lena from her thoughts.

"Kara, please." Lena pulled her wrist from the Kryptonian's grasp. "I don't want to hurt you. I can't give my brother what he wants."

The Kryptonian looked at Lena, taking in the sight of her glowing neon green eyes. Seeing them in the fading light of the evening was eerie. And knowing the cause was kryptonite, the one substance that came from her home planet, unnerved her. She hated Lex for forcing Lena to stay away, hated that he tried to take away the person she wanted to share her whole world with. Clenching her fists, Kara turned and walked out to the balcony. The red kryptonite in her system was taking hold, and she didn't want to hurt Lena.

Alex glanced at Lena before following Kara. "Kara, are you all right?"

"No." Kara grasped the railing as she tried to focus on something else. "I can't stand Lex. I want to make him pay."

"I know Kara, but that isn't going to solve our problem," said Alex, looking behind her as Lena approached the doorway, still keeping her distance. "And right now, we need to help Lena fix what her brother did."

Kara stared down at the passing cars below her; red lines flickered across her skin, begging her to cave in. She focused on her breathing, and the lines slowly faded as she calmed down. Both sisters stood there under the stars. Alex's hand rested over the Kryptonian's tensed one, grounding her as she fought the intrusive thoughts. She lightly squeezed it as she gave her a brief smile. After listening to the sounds of the bustling city for a moment, they walked back inside. Lena stepped back as Kara walked past. She met her eyes and saw the anger beneath the mask of pain.

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