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The media throughout the next couple of months was nothing short of chaotic.

Half was about Yoongi and I's relationship.

Our apartment location got leaked.

We had people showing up to our apartment, to Bighit, and following Yoongi and I wherever we went.

It got so bad sometimes that we had to go stay with his parents in Daegu just to avoid all the commotion.

Kmedia constantly talked about our relationship or reported whenever people spotted us.

All of this was stressing me out. I wasn't worried about our safety. Nothing happened that put us in danger, but it was all too much. And my stressing, stressed Yoongi out. And he had two things to be stressed out about.

Our relationship and then Bangtan who never really quite recovered from the argument that day our relationship was revealed to the public.

I also stopped my frequent trips to Bighit as well. It felt awkward to be there and to even be around Namjoon.

According to Yoongi, the boys had a very long talk about everything regarding me and the group.

But they were all stressed as well.

The group had been gaining popularity in the US and internationally a lot more these days, and the boys didn't really know how to deal with it.

It was like they were getting stressed from what Yoongi and I were going through and then having to deal with the pressure of fame. Everyone was looking to them and watching their every move, waiting for "what will BTS do next?"

I only found this out one random night during February..........


"Luna, I'm home," I hear Yoongi yell as the front door opens and closes.

"I'm in the kitchen," I yell back, too focused on what I was making to properly greet him.

A few moments later, I feel a pair of arms slip around my body and reach below my stomach. He intertwines his fingers and gently lifts my stomach.

I sigh in relief when my 32 week-along stomach feels light for the first time in a while.

He then leans his head down and trails kisses along my neck to my jaw.

"What are you cooking this time, my beautiful wife," he whispers playfully in my ear.

"Mmm, just some Ramyeon, I've really been craving it today," I answer, my words coming out a little more breathy than I would have liked them to.

And, of course, he takes notice of that.

"Is that so," he asks, his voice a little lower in my ear.

"Yes," I respond softly after I shut off the stove.

Yoongi responds by gently removing his hands from underneath my stomach and turning me around.

He looks at me with so much love in his eyes before he pulls me into a passionate kiss.

He has his hands cupping my cheeks, and my hands are gripping his shirt, trying to pull him closer, to which he refuses. He's always trying to be gentle near my stomach.

Normally, that wouldn't be a problem, but with all my raging hormones, I wanted him closer.

So I do pull him closer, to which he gently bumps my stomach. And he was about to pull away to comment on that, I felt it, but I deepened the kiss, making it more sensual.

Secrets Out [Part.2 Of A Min Yoongi ff]Where stories live. Discover now