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If anyone were to know me well, they would know I did not do well when it came to academics. I either had the work done for me or had help from Nova.

That was unless it came to learning languages. I had originally taught myself 8 up until I met Yoongi but picked up a few more throughout the years.

And even though I lacked any interest in school, it had always been my dream to start a business.

Granted, with the money I had, I could have started one a long time ago, but I really wanted to go back to school to actually learn how to run a business. It was also to prove to myself that I could do something more useful than being a stripper or just a model.

In a way, it was also to make my family proud. So it may have taken way longer than I thought it would, but I finally had graduated with a masters in business.

This all happened in May, two months after my son was born. Everyone was so proud of me and even threw me a celebration afterward.

Honestly, having In-su pushed me to finally finish, so when he gets older, I'll give him the credit.

But as soon as I graduated, I went right to work with starting up my business. I had made contracts in Seoul, LA, and Paris to have locations built so that they could be ready by the time I graduated.

There was a lot of speculation about what I had going on, but I never reviled, so nobody could make assumptions or accuse me of anything.

But once the buildings were up and everything that was needed to run the business was set up, I began getting set up.

I did interviews, hired people, bought all supplies necessary, and covered all legal issues.

And finally, when everything was ready, I opened shop.

The business I began with locations in Paris, Seoul, and LA, where people could live until they got back onto their feet.

I didn't want to call it a homeless shelter cause I feel that it gives a negative connotation to it. Rather, it was called "Refresh."

At Refresh, people from all walks of life could come in and use any of our facilities, whether that be washrooms, beds, and a cafeteria (with actual good food that was specified for the location it was in.) People could stay for the night if it was just to get away or with restarting-your-life help.

There was even a shopping area within the building to get anything from a haircut to an outfit for an interview.

For the "Refresh" part of the company, I would have employers who were willing to hire anyone from any background available through the day to get whoever was willing to get back on their feet.

And to tackle the question of what to do when people are over-staying and overusing the facilities, I would put a cap on time spent in the place.

If you were there just to get away, you had 3 days to a week to stay.

If you were in between jobs or living situations, you had a month to a month and a half.

And finally, if you were fully "refreshing," you have 6 months to a year.

Your situation would be discussed with whoever was working front desk, and they would get you set up according.

And, of course, everything was confidential.

I invested millions into this. I really wanted to make a difference and help out people who struggled. Because there was a time when I went through struggling with my mom. I don't want others to go through it as well.

So, on opening day for all locations, Refresh was busy and packed with workers and people in need.

Since I was in Seoul, I currently focused on that location, going in and helping out with last-minute details.

And once word started to get out about Refresh, the media went crazy, wanting me to do interviews about why I made created the company.

I just simply stated, "I just want to help people."

For me, it was a bit challenging to balance my new work schedule on top of caring for a newborn.

On super important and busy days, I left In-su with Yoongi so I could fully focus. If the days were more lenient, In-su came with me. And then, if I had to fly between Paris and LA, In-su stayed with Yoongi again.

I was beginning to get a little stressed as the days went on. Mostly because I had to make a huge decision.

The boys were planning a world tour following up with their new album they were currently working on.

I needed to decide whether to stay and work or join them on the tour.

Sorry it's short, but this is all that was needed for this chapter!! Dw, it will  make sense for later!!

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