Clearing The Air

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I woke up the next morning a little startled.

I had fallen asleep next to Yoongi.

This meant we weren't through, and I hadn't dreamt up last night.

The sudden realization of my reality made me smile.

In fact, I started laughing.

I was just so overwhelmed with joy that my first reaction was to laugh as I stared at my sleeping husband.

"Mmmm, what's so funny?" he yawned before lazily opening his eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," I giggled as I leaned in to kiss his forehead, "I'm just so happy."

"Ahh, what's the excitement for then," he asked as he blinked his eyes a few times and stared at me curiously.

"That we are together still," I beamed.

This time, he laughed, "I guess I am happy about that too then. Though I wasn't really worried about that."

"You weren't?" I questioned.

"No. Just like you said, you know we always work things out. I was just more frustrated about what we said to each other. I knew we would work it out," he said sincerely, "speaking of let's talk about that."

I nodded my head in agreement, and the both of us sat up and faced each other. He reached forward to grab my hands, rubbing his thumbs over the top of them.

He didn't look at me for a while. He just stared down at our hands. And I couldn't tell if he was waiting for me to start, but he overall just seemed nervous.

"I understand that you didn't want to tell me because you were afraid of my reaction. But I just don't understand why. Have I become unapoachable lately?" He asked, finally speaking up. He didn't look at me when he first started to talk, but he did towards the end of his sentence.

I thought about it for a moment as I stared into his now sad eyes.

Was he?

Was that why I thought I couldn't tell him, and even after we had the fight?

"No," I replied, "that was strictly guilt. You are the one person I can talk to about everything. I've never had an issue."

"Well, why would you feel guilty? The problem was regarding the health of our son. I would have been slightly disappointed, but I most definitely would have understood. Especially now nowing that you will be joining us every few stops. That is something we could have thought about together," he questioned.

"I know I've been beating myself up over for the past week. This could have easily been avoided. You're so easy to talk to. I think I just couldn't handle the initial disappointment you would have had. I think it's stress? I'm not sure, but I thought I could handle being a mother and my business. And I think it's just becoming too much for me," I admitted.

"Well then, that's good. You are taking a break for a bit while being here on tour with us. I really want you to take this time to relax, Luna. You are one person and not a machine. And you know I am here for you always. I promise if you need me, whatever I'm doing is getting dropped so that I can be there for you," he said solemnly.

"I know I just don't want to bother you so much you are always so busy."

"Ah, that brings me to our next topic," he sighed.

"What do you mean," I asked.

"Being absent throughout our relationship," he replied.

"Oh," I said quietly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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