A New Chapter

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"Noona, wake up," someone's voice said, waking me up from my sleep.

I lazily opened my eyes to be met with Jimin's face, as he was kneeling beside my bed. I blink a few times, confused as to how he got in here, but then I remember Yoongi gave all the boys keys.

"Mochi, it's early. What are you doing here," I whisper in order not to wake Yoongi, who is softly snoring next to me.

"I made you breakfast," he beams.

"Ooo breakfast," I whisper in excitement. The word breakfast does it for me. I gently wiggle myself myself out of Yoongi's embrace, and then Jimin helps me get up.

The first thing I do is run to the bathroom to puke, and then I'm out a minute later with Jimin guiding me to the kitchen.

Once we get to the dining area, he pulls out a chair for me at the head of the table and pushes it in when I sit down.

"Hyung said your favorite thing for breakfast was Hotteok, but that isn't completely healthy, and you're supposed to be eating healthy foods. So I added raspberries and strawberries to the mixture on the inside," he explains as he rummaged for plates in the kitchen.

He comes over with the plates and takes out the Hotteok that was sitting in a container on the table, plating me 2, himself 1, and saving 2. Which I assumed were for Yoongi.

"This is so good," I happily state as I take a bite.

"Thanks! This was only the second time I made them!"

I keep taking bites of the Hotteok and keep mentioning how good it tastes, and he just hums. I also noticed he was staring at me a lot while I was eating.

"Noona," he finally says when I'm about 3 quarters of the way done with my second Hotteok.

I hum in response since I had just taken a bite.

"You've been being distant lately. Can you tell me what's wrong," he says, his voice in a sad tone.

"Has my absence bothered you?" I sigh.

"It has noona. You stopped coming to BigHit, and you barely responded to my texts."

"I'm sorry, Jimin-ah, I really am. I just felt like I needed to give you guys space," I respond sadly.

"Space? What for?" He questions.

"You know after the whole mine and Yoongi's relationship announcement, Joon-ah and I argued, remember? And not to mention what Yoongi told me you guys had discussed yesterday. I felt guilty. I felt like I was causing so many issues."

"Noona, no, I'm sorry you felt like that. I promise we all love you just as much as we love Yoongi. We aren't blaming you for our situation. We are just stressed. Being an idol is stressful. Don't tell Yoongi I'm telling you this, but we struggled so much since debut. And this isn't our first thought of disbanding. We are just stuck, and we need time to think. But none of this is your fault."

"Do you want to disband?"

"Fuck no. I love being in BTS and I love making music with my brothers, and dancing with them too. And especially I love being in BTS for ARMY. its just....complicated. I think I just miss the freedom of being normal. And honestly it's mostly Namjoon hyung, he's the most stressed."

"I'm sure he is. I'm also sorry to him, I didn't mean to yell at him like that."

"He's sorry too. Especially after you left us that day, hyung yelled at him. And I've never seen him as mad as he was that day."

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