<RuleBreaker has updated his status: Does anyone know why we are here?>
RuleEnforcer: I have no idea.
LeaderBot: Same here.
ThisIsSoCool: Tame ~ Zztt~ Mame ~ Zztt ~ Same.
YouKnowWho: I don't even know how I got here.
WhatAmIDoingHere: You are not the only one.
RuleBreaker: Wait. Who are all of you?
CybertronianCrimeBoss: Guess.
FastestSwimmer: Yeah. You have to guess who we are.
ThisIsSoCool: Oh this could be Pun ~ Zztt ~ Hun ~ Zztt ~ Fun.
LeaderBot: This might be interesting. So let's see. ThisIsSoCool are you Fix-It?
ThisIsSoCool: Yes. How did you know.
LeaderBot: Lucky guess.
Shiny: Shiny.
UnstoppableCon: Why did you just type your username?
Shiny: Shiny.
WhatAmIDoingHere: I think their processor is messed up.
ThisIsSoCool: No, it's just Filch
UntrackableCon: Well that explains it.
YouKnowWho: Yes it does.
RuleEnforcer: Anyways. YouKnowWho are you Bumblebee?
YouKnowWho: No, I am not Bumblebee. I am Optimus Prime.
Sir-Punch-A-Lot: How are you even here then?
YouKnowWho: I do not know.
FastestSwimmer: Uh-oh, we Decepticons are in trouble now.
KingOfTheSeas: Oh shut up Bisk.
FastestSwimmer: How did you know it was me?
KingOfTheSeas: Because you like to brag a lot about being the fastest swimmer.
FastestSwimmer: Well you also brag about being the king of the seas back on Cybertron, Hammerstrike.
DisguiseGuy: Oh. Burn.
ThisIsBoring: Really Dad?
Sir-Punch-A-Lot: Oh, hello Russel, and Denny.
DisguiseGuy: Russel you just gave us away.
ThisIsBoring: So what?
UnstoppableCon: Plus, it was Grimlock who guessed it was you two.
Sir-Punch-A-Lot: What gave me away?
UnstoppableCon: It was your username. We all know that you like to punch things a lot.
WhatAmIDoingHere: That's true.
LeaderBot: You should have come up with a better username Grimlock.
RuleBreaker: Bee has a point Grimlock.
LeaderBot: I am surprised I lasted this long.
RuleEnforcer: Well I think I figured out who RuleBreaker is.
RuleBreaker: Is that so?
RuleEnforcer: Yes it is, Sideswipe.
LooksLikeStarscream: Nice one Strongarm.
LeaderBot: -_- Shut up Fracture.
LooksLikeStarscream: What? How?
LeaderBot: Because everyone knows that you look like Starscream.
YouKnowWho: That's true.
LooksLikeStarscream: -_-
<LooksLikeStarscream has logged off>
LeaderBot: Okay then. So who is still left?
UnstoppableCon: Me
UntrackableCon: I am.
CybertronianCrimeBoss: I am as well.
Detachable: Me too.
CrabCreature: Don't forget about me!
WhatAmIDoingHere: I guess I am as well.
RuleEnforcer: Looks like it's only the Decepticons left.
Shiny: Shiny.
UnstoppableCon: Go away Filch, before I turn you into scrap, and then eat you to grow stronger.
Shiny: 0_0
<Shiny has logged off>
Sir-Punch-a-Lot: Well there's Underbite.
UntrackableCon: And that right there is why I wanted to free you.
UnstoppableCon: Uh, I think you just gave yourself away SteelJaw.
UntrackableCon: Well, scrap.
LeaderBot: Nice one SteelJaw.
CybertronianCrimeBoss: That is kind of funny.
ThisIsSoCool: Wait. CybertronianCrimeBoss are you Thunderhoof?
CybertronianCrimeBoss: Took you long enough.
CrabCreature: Ha!
Detachable: CrabCreature how is that funny?
CrabCreature: Because it is.
UntrackableCon: Shut up you two!
CrabCreature: Make me SteelJaw.
UntrackableCon: I might, Clampdown.
CrabCreature: No fair.
Detachable: Ha!
UntrackableCon: Shut up Chopshop!
Detachable: -_-
WhatAmIDoingHere: Looks like I am the last one.
RuleBreaker: Which means that you are most likely Terrashock.
WhatAmIDoingHere: Correct.
LeaderBot: Alright then. So what now?
RuleEnforcer: I don't know.
ThisIsSoCool: Me boo~zztt~zoo~zztt~too.
YouKnowWho: Same.
Sir-Punch-A-Lot: Why don't we just get out of here?
Everyone: Sounds good.
<All Users have logged off>
Sorry for the long wait everyone, I have been very busy at school, since it's the end of the year. Which reminds me, this may be the last chapter for awhile since I will not be on that much during the summer, so it may be a while till the next update. But there might be one more chapter after this one before the long break. But anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter, even though it might of been a little long, and boring.
Till next time then.
If Transformers Robots In Disguise(2015) Discovered Facebook (ON HOLD)
ФанфикIn my opinion, I think this will be very cool. But I also think not a lot of people will like this at all, but I don't care. So this is just about if the Transformers Robots in Disguise characters Discovered the Facebook chat room, and what they wo...