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Hey to all the people out there that read my books. I just wanted to let all of you know that It may be a long time before I start this book back up. I thought I would have at least one maybe two new chapter up by now, but I have been really busy, more than I originally thought. The reason for that is because I have a Job now and I just don't know when I will get back to writing. But, that doesn't mean that I wont try to get on here as much as I can, and whenever I can. So from me and all of the characters from this book, we want to wish you a good rest of your day and have fun. Except for the Con's who don't want anything to do with these chats anymore, well every con but Overload who is trying to gain control of the computer so he could write something, but everyone is holding him back for know. So before I sign off, I just want to thank everyone for being so patient with me, but know I have to go because it looks like Overload is about to break free.

Till next time then.

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