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<LeaderBot has updated his status: Does anyone know what happened to TransFan after the incident with Megatronus?>



RuleEnforcer: No.

YouKnowWho: Not really.

ThisIsSoCool: Nope.

RuleBreaker: I don't know.

Sir-Punch-A-Lot: I haven't really thought about it.

Puppy_SteelJaw: I'm not really sure.

DecepticonFan: Who knows.

19NC_Medix: I think she had a mental breakdown.

DisguiseGuy: Maybe she just wants some time alone.

ThisIsBoring: Why do you care?

Sir-Punch-A-Lot: Yeah. Why do you?

LeaderBot: Because we haven't heard from her in a while.

19NC_Medix: Well like I said, maybe she had a mental breakdown.

ThisIsSoCool: That may be a possibility. 

RuleBreaker: Hey, I just realized something.

YouKnowWho: What?

RuleBreaker: That there are no cons in the chat right now.

DisguiseGuy: Hey, your right. 

TransFan: The Cons are not here, because I made this chat for only the Autobots.

LeaderBot: Oh, hey TransFan.

Sir-Punch-A-Lot: How are you doing?

RuleEnforcer: Are you okay?

TransFan: Um, I'm fine. Why are you asking that?

DecepticonFan: They are asking that, because of what happened in the last chat.

TransFan: Uh. I forget. What happened in the last chat?

Puppy_SteelJaw: Megatronus, got you really annoyed to the point that you logged off, then when you left, everyone started to gang up on him, so then he left, then he crashed the site.

TransFan: Oh, that. Yeah, i'm still not over with what happened.

YouKnowWho: Is that why you made this chat, just for us Autobots?

DisguiseGuy: Yeah, is it?

TransFan: Not really. I just decided that you bots could just talk without the cons being on here.

RuleBreaker: Cool.

LeaderBot: Hey, I was wondering about something TransFan.

TransFan: About what?

LeaderBot: What happened to you after you left the chat.

19NC_Medix: I said that you might of had a mental breakdown, when you logged off.

RuleBreaker: Did you really have to bring that up?

19NC_Medix: Yes, yes I did.

TransFan: Well I definitely did not have a mental breakdown, that's for sure.

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