Chapter 3: Decepticons

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Okay so I know I said that the last chapter was going to be the last one I do before Summer break, but I got bored so, yeah, this one is defiantly going to be the last chapter before I leave for Summer break. So enjoy.


<UntrackableCon has updated his status: Fellow Decepticons, we are free to talk about whatever we want without the Autobots butting in, since this chat is only for us Decepticons.>



UnstoppableCon: Are you sure?

CybertronianCrimeBoss: Yeah, are you sure?

UntrackableCon: Yes, I am sure, since I only invited us Decepticons.

FastestSwimmer: Good, I am getting real tired of those stinken Autobots.

KingOfTheSeas: Your not the only one Bisk.

LooksLikeStarscream: SteelJaw, when you mean all the Decepticons, you mean...?

UntrackableCon: All the Decepticons.

LooksLikeStarscream: Even Filch?

UntrackableCon: Yes even Filch. Why?

LooksLikeStarscream: Well she is kind of annoying.

CrabCreature: I agree.

WhatAmIDoingHere: Same here.

Everyone else: Yeah.

Shiny: Hey! That is really mean!

Everyone: 0_0

Shiny: What?

UnstoppableCon: Your talking normally.

Shiny: So what?

Detachable: You normally just say shiny.

Shiny: Oh, that. I just talk like that when there are Autobots around, just to annoy them.

UntrackableCon: I must admit, that is kind of clever.

CybertronianCrimeBoss: It is?

Shiny: It is?

UntrackableCon: Yes it is.

Shiny: Cool.

LooksLikeStarscream: Maybe I should try something like that one day.

WhatAmIDoingHere: I don't think that would work Fracture.

LooksLikeStarscream: Why the slag not?

WhatAmIDoingHere: Because I am pretty sure Underbite will want to turn you into scrap, and eat you for strength if you do.

UnstoppableCon: You know me so well Terrashock.

Shiny: I think everyone knows that you are capable of doing that Underbite.

TransFan: Filch is right.

Shiny: Thank you. Whoever you are.

LooksLikeStarscream: Oh no. Not you again.

UntrackableCon: Don't block us again.

CybertronianCrimeBoss: Who are you, and how the slag did you get in here? This is a private chat.

TransFan: I am the supreme Empress of the planet Gallifrey, and I will block whoever insults me or the Autobots. Fracture and SteelJaw know that already.

WhatAmIDoingHere: SteelJaw, Fracture, what did you two do?

UntrackableCon: All I said was Grimlock was dumb.

LooksLikeStarscream: And I agreed by saying Dinobot's are dumb.

Shiny: -_- That's all you said.

UntrackableCon: Yes.

UnstoppableCon: Well Dinobot's are...

TransFan: Do not even think about finishing that sentence Underbite.

UnstoppableCon: ...Dumb. I said it. What now?

<TransFan has blocked UnstoppableCon>

TransFan: That.

KingOfTheSeas: Was that really necessary?

FastestSwimmer: Yeah, was it?

<TransFan has blocked KingOfTheSeas and FastestSwimmer>

TransFan: Yes, yes it was.

CybertronianCrimeBoss: Are you going to block everybody?

TransFan: Possibly.

Detachable: Watch out, we got a bad...

<TransFan has block Detachable>

CrabCreature: I am just going to go before I get blocked.

<CrabCreature has logged off>

TransFan: Dang it.


TransFan: 0_0 Wait. What?

UntrackableCon: That's a good idea Terrashock.

CybertronianCrimeBoss: GET OUT WHILE YOU STILL CAN!


<WhatAmIDoingHere, UntrackableCon, and two other users have logged off>

TransFan: 0_0 The frag was that about?

Shiny: 0_0 I have no idea.

TransFan: Well it looks like we are the only one's left.

Shiny: What do you want to do?

TransFan: I don't know. What do you have in mind?

Shiny: Do you just want to get out of here?

TransFan: Hmmmm. Sure, why not.

<TransFan and Shiny have logged off>


Well there you have it people, the last official chapter before I leave for Summer break. I hope you enjoyed it, and if there is anybody who wants to be in one of my chapters, let me know in the comments and I will work something out with you. So leave a comment in the comment section to let me know what you thought about this chapter.

Till next time then.

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