Chapter 11

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Everything was not what it was before. Normal? No not even close. It was worse. Right as I walked out side I realized I was alone no mom, no dad, nobody. I was out on the crazy streets of Miami and people were fighting. Tons of people. They were all fighting. They weren't fighting each other they were fighting back, back at the robots. I saw him standing right there fighting too, Carl. The one who was able to reset the whole system. I saw him fighting. "Why was he fighting he had a plan to fix the whole system and now he's putting himself in danger." I ran to try and save him but he didn't want my help. He immediately threw me to the ground killing the robot in front of him. He grabbed me and we hid in an alley where he explained everything. "The software I tried to use failed. It was rejected by the bots." "Rejected?" I said "yea like trying to give the wrong blood type to someone. The bots just got worse. And started going crazy. They were just ripping children from homes and shelters. It's horrible. I hacked the system and made an announcement for people to fight back and now the streets look like this. Just complete kayos." "Where's my family, how do I get back to them?" "I can't chitchat right now I got to fight and you do to. Let's go!" He handed me a digital electrical knife, this was probably the best, I guess you could call it a taser type item but it could pierce right through the the skin like a knife, I turned it on, and we ran out to the streets. Killing each robot with a stab to the head. One by one the crowd of robots got smaller and smaller until it was like normal. No robots except for one here and there. I was dumbfounded why weren't the people leaving. I was so curious until I heard a shout form another man "Next wave everybody." Everyone stood back up and got into a readiness position and sure enough another huge wave came. This time much larger. When the wave or bots was finally gone about half an hour had passed. I looked around and realized some people were missing. I regrouped with Carl and asked where they went. He sad "They were taken." "By the bots?" "Yes and not normal bots, flying bots." "THEY FLY!!??" "Yes, they have managed to get some large birds and turned them into bots too." Suddenly I heard another shout "5th wave get ready" after we finished this wave someone else shouted "Okay guys 1 hour brake." Of course I questioned their too and it turned out that it comes in 5 waves with each wave larger than the last the fifth wave is always the largest. I once again regrouped with Carl and asked again "Where am I? Where is my family?" He sat me down and explained "kayla is in that hospital behind you, your mom, she's dead." " no, no she can't be! No! That's it I'm done I can't do this any more!" I switched on the electric knife and right as the knife began to pierce my skin it was switched off by Carl but it was too late I was already bleeding out. "Doctor I need a doctor!" Carl kept screaming as reality slowly faded out of my sight.

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