Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Wait what!?! Are you guys joking? Wait no it a dream pinch me. Pinch me now! Ouch that hurt! Why would you pinch me dad?" "Well you told me to." Said his dad "dad!!!!" "Okay honey we knew this would be hard for you to process but you are going to have to." Said his mom "also in the meantime while they try to fix everything we cat go outside and nothing works so you have to do everything old school style. Okay?" Said his dad "wait where's Kayla and her family?!?" Joey's mom and dad looked at each other then slow said "her house got over ran and we never heard from them again." "Wait what are you guys serious?!? No you guys have to be joking. Please tell me your joking. Please" suddenly there was an angry and frantic knock on the door. Joey ran towards the door. "No don't open that door it may be a deadly robot" said his dad "but what if it isn't? What if it's Kayla? It's a risk I'm going to have to take." "No........" Joey opened the door and Kayla was standing there. "Kayla!"

Joey gave Kayla a hung and said"where are your parents?" Kayla was crying and she slowly said "they....they... They are dead when our house got over ran we tried to run but my mom was wearing heels and tripped and fell on my dad and our house bot butchered them with the butcher knife!" "Oh my I am so sorry!" Said joey. "Well sweetie you are welcome to stay with us." "Thank you."said Kayla.

"Well what do we do now?" Said joey. "We better go to the grocery store to stock up on food just incase." said joes mom. "ok mom I'm going to go and get the guns" "no joey you cant come with us i don't want you to get hurt." "Well guess what mom i don't want you to get hurt either so i'm coming with you" "Oh ok i'll stay here with kayla and you and your dad go and get every food item you can possibly get ok?" "ok mom here take this" joey handed both of them a pistol and him and his dad took a L.M.S. "I love you mom." "I love you too honey" said his mom "bye honey i love you." said his dad "I love you too" while dad tried to get the car to work joey took kayla aside and said to her "kayla I have always loved you and if i don't come back i wanted to make sure you knew that." "joey i'm glad you said it because i was going to say it my self. i love you joey and i don't want this to be the last time we see each other so lets have our firs kiss of many not our first and last." joe and kayla kissed and said there last i love you and then joey walked in to the garage where his dad said the car was not going to work and that they were going to have to walk.

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