Chapter 8

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I can't believe that now at this point we've been in this wicked asylum for about a year. It feels like it's been centuries but only a year. I haven't really seen much of anyone except for my family. It is a really depressing time no food near by and slowly we keep having to go farther and farther to find food. The main thing on the bright side is that I get to come home to kayla every day. I'm not sure what to do should I stay or should I go. As much as I want to save the world I care so much about my family and don't want them to get hurt.
Tonight as I laid in my bed with kayla in my arms out of nowhere a loud alarm went off. It was the emergency alarm suddenly every television in the house turned on and there was a man was standing there with a cloth over his head and no clothing except for his underwear me and Kayla both sat up an watched. The man dropped to the ground. Then suddenly a huge knife chopped of his arms, legs, and head. The robot then used all of the human parts and turned him into a robot. There was a brief inter mission of a robotic voice saying " we have found out that you weak mortals now think that your beloved family members can be saved well I'm here to tell you that we have changed our process so now you can't save them and thy will be ours for ever. Now back to your regularly scheduled killing. Hahahahaha" the screen went back to the man laying on the floor and he quickly came back to life and finally they ripped off the cloth over the mans head and I could not believe my eyes. "It have to be a lie. They must be lying. It has to be computer generated." All things I said in my head but then suddenly my legs gave out and I dropped to the floor crying. I just couldn't believe it. They had just killed one of the most important people in my life and they did it right in front of me.

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