7. His Jealousy Makes Her Cry

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Shrey's pov

3 weeks passed. Arini comes everyday, she never misses any classes from me which is somehow good but that Anubhav was not leaving her side.

Now Arini comes here with him as our locality is same. Why is he gluing to my girl? ... I mean my student.

Right now I was standing in my balcony. Arini will be coming soon in a few minutes I guess so I was waiting for her. Suddenly I saw them and I wasn't ready to see that.

Arini was laughing with Anubhav. My mouth opened in an 'o' shape. Why the hell she is giving him so much importance? Does he deserve it? She should be coming to my house instead of laughing with him.

Their laughing session weren't ending and just to put oil in my anger, Anubhav hugged her.

How the hell he can hug? And Arini, you even let him do that? Did you forget about your husband, Shrey? Me!?!

I fisted my hands tightly. For that very moment I understood how Karan feels actually.... But I should not be thinking about that useless creature now.

My main focus was why is that anubhav not leaving my girlllll... I mean my student....

Soon my eyes got peace when Arini broke the hug and waving bye to him. Then she rang the bell of my house. I sat on my chair. My mind was still thinking about their figure. My mood ruined totally.

Arini's sweet voice echoed in my room, " Hiii... I came. " She sat beside my chair. I wasn't facing her but I could understand.

" You know what happened today in school? Me and Kalpana were--" Just as she sat there, she opened her mouth to start that silly talks but she did not know that today was different.

" Show me the results of your class test. " I said without letting her finish her line.

" Y--you... Remember? " She stuttered making me angrier. Yeah, obviously I will remember. I am here for that only. Only to teach her. Why won't I remember? I'm her teacher and that....that anubhav...is..is...aaahhh..my mind was being messy because of that hugging scene. I looked at her finally. I saw her gulping.

" What else am I supposed to do? I'm your math tutor, I should be taking care of your marks rather than laughing without any reason or hugging---" I stopped myself as I was speaking that.

" Shrey.. " I again didn't let her speak and stated,

" Show me the papers. " My voice was enough to make her shiver with fear I knew it.

She slowly started taking out the papers. But before giving it to my hand she spoke, " Listen, I could not practice well so I could not pe--" I didn't give her time to finish and snatched the paper from her hand.

My eyebrows raised themselves looking at the number, " Only 29 out of 40?" I mouthed. It didn't take time to throw the paper in air.

" So is this what you are doing Arini? " She flinched. But that could not make me stop.

" What did you say? You couldn't practice the chapter, right? What were you doing then?" My tone raised again.

" Shrey I --"

" You still know to use your mouth? Aren't you ashamed of this marks? "

" Shrey... What happened beta? Why are you shouting at her? What happened? " My mom came. I was so angry that I even forgot mom was in home.

" Mom go outside. I have to fix someone's brain right now. " I told mom but my anger filled eyes were fixed on Arini who could not understand what to do right now.

" Shrey, what's this behavior? Don't forget she is--"

" She is my student I know very well. Let me teach my student when she's wasting her time on someone else rather than studying. " I said still looking at Arini. Wasn't she wanting me to teach her? Obviously she was. I will do that now.

" Mom go. "

Mom sighed and finally left.

" So what do you wanna do? Wanna waste my time or yours? " I crossed my arms and asked.

" Shrey I'm sorry I'll get better marks after this. " She murmured.

" Oh really? I don't think so. Cause your mind is no longer in this, right Arini? " She shook her head.

" You know what Arini. Do not come here anymore. I'm not a good teacher for you. Instead you can go to Anubhav. " My tongue slipped his name once again. I couldn't understand if I was angry at Arini or at that boy.

" Wha--"

" Shut up and leave. Don't come from tomorrow. " I stood up from my chair, didn't look like her.

" You were performing very well then what the hell happened to you now? " I banged on the table making her jump in her position. " Where is your damn brain working right now huh? Mind me explaining miss? " I looked at her this time.

She was looking down, holding her hands tightly.

" Arini look up and explain right now. "

No response..

" Arini I'm asking something. "

" Do you really want me to stop your classes? "

She suddenly looked up and said " I'm sorry. I forgot about the exam so couldn't--"

Obviously she will forget everything now because of that Anubhav.

" Why are you forgetting things like this? On whom are you wasting time? " She again looked down.

" Arini from tomorrow tell Anubhav to take your classes. I can't waste my time on a brainless girl like you. " After saying this I understood that I said something wrong, very wrong...

I know the reason of my harsh behavior very well. It's all happening because of that Anubhav. I needed to calm down myself. But now looking at Arini, staying nearer her would not work. It'll increase my temper more only. " Pack your books and never come here. " I said before leaving the room.

After coming out of that room i sat on our sofa and breathed properly. I tried to cool down my anger. Mom asked me the whole story and I told her about Arini's marks. That was not the full reason but the rest of it wasn't appropriate enough to share. Mom obviously told me not to scold her anymore.

In no time, I could feel the regret as well. Arini was very poor at math from the first. But now atleast she was putting efforts in that subject. My behavior turned out to be very wrong. I knew that. And I also knew if that hug haven't taken place, I would not have done it too.

Now a new fear was surging in my head. What if she stops coming to my home for real? After school, it became hard to meet her. Before atleast I could see her everyday at school. And after the marriage, it was 100x hard to meet her. No matter how much I deny, I obviously loved Arini coming to my house to study everyday.

Atleast after my boring days, there was Arini's sweet face, waiting to meet mine. I couldn't afford to lost it. Just because of that Anubhav.. Ahhh..

I stood up suddenly and ran to my room. I saw Arini was really packing her books. Her head was down. Slowly I entered in the room. And I could hear something.

Some sobs...

Is she crying?


Spoiler alert🚨

First kiss is coming 🌚

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