46. Love You Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

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Shrey's pov

" I'm dying to see her " Just as I said those words, felt like I took away so much weight from myself. My heart was beating very hard, it could come out at any time. I don't know if Arini will agree to meet me or not, agree to forgive me or not, agree to love me or not.

I scared losing her after pushing her away from me very badly.

I saw didi standing up from her chair. She left before saying, " Sambhalke is baar " With that she left but my gaze was fixed on that gate. The gate didn't open for another time, that means Arini really doesn't want to see me anymore?

( take care this time)

I clutched the bedsheets tightly within my hands. The pain of my body didn't feel much in front of the pain of my heart.

I averted my gaze again towards the gate when the sound of door opening reached to my ears. And my heart found peace, seeing her coming inside. Suddenly, my eyes became wet, looking at her.

She didn't take steps towards me, instead stood there on the gate, looking down and sniffling. She didn't even upped her head for a sec. The whole room filled with the sound of her sobs.

And with each sounds, I felt the pain engulfing me and my heart. Her each sobs, tears , told me that I was reason behind of it. Now maybe after knowing this, I lost the right to call her towards me, to close to me. A tear dropped from my eye and i clutched the sheet.

I didn't want to waste time anymore, wanted to talk to her. I had a lot of things to tell her, to confess her, to apologize to her. With that thought I tried to get down from the bed. My left foot touched the floor and when I tried to get down properly, I steps stumbled because of my weak body. I was about to fall but she ran to me and held me.

I looked at her face this time from the close proximity. In a few days, the whole shine of her face was snatched away. Soon the the tears will be dry too. What has she done to herself?

Not she. But you Shrey.

I sighed and another tear fall down from my eye. " A... Arini " My own voice shook when I inhaled.

I saw her sucking on her lip and trying to stop the tears which of no use.

" Please " My fingers reached to her eyes to wipe those. After long I touched her soft cheek. She was so close to me but was about to go after settling me in the bed.

I chose the moment to hold her wrist to stop her from leaving. " Don't leave me arini. Please " I pleaded almost. All sudden a fear was eating me. I thought she would leave me. Even though I deserve that but.... but... I don't know how will I stay away from my love...

" Sit here please. Sit with me " I said again and tapped the area in front of me. She was still looking down, with tears in her eyes which was stabbing dagger inside of my body.

She did not argue that much but I saw her hesitating at first. Soon she gave in and sat in front of me. I never let go of her hand and gave a squeeze there while bringing her body closer to me.

" This tears are killing me arini. Please stop shedding them please " I caressed her cheek and said. " They're precious. Don't let them fall like this. Moreover I am alive. Don't cry anymore " I tried to chuckle in the end with the thought that she would laugh too but she did not. Instead she let out more tears.

I was scared and could not stop myself from asking " Arini... You won't leave me, right? "

She left a loud sob this time and I asked again, " I can't stay without you Arini. I am sorry "

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