26. Truth And Dare Went Wrong ❌

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Shrey's pov

With a small smile, I started taking steps to Arini. I tapped twice on the pocket of my pant, knowing that a little gift is waiting there for Arini.

" Hey Arini, will you do boating with me? "

Before I could ask, someone else came. It was none but again that Anubhav. Arini nodded to him and left in front of my eyes. I couldn't even do anything. Everything happened within a few seconds.

I blinked like a dumb. Arini didn't even notice me coming to her?

So many boats were leaving. So many students were choosing their partners, teachers were announcing something more but I couldn't pay attention to anywhere. My eyes were fixed on her only.

Just as I saw Arini holding Anubhav's hand to get into the boat, my fists tightened in anger.

I kept on looking at them for a few more minutes. I turned around only when Madhav tapped on my shoulder. " Everyone is leaving with boats. Only we are here. When will you go? " Asked he.

At first my mouth couldn't move. I was still thinking about Arini.

" Shrey? "

" Y.. Yeah.. Le.. Let's go. " I told him and was about to go towards our boat but saw Maya sitting there.

" What's she doing? " I asked Madhav.

" We tried to stop her but she wanted to sit with you like as always and she didn't listen to us. " He replied and I sighed.

I shook my head in disappointment.
" You guys go then. I don't want to go anymore "

" Why? Because Arini already left? "

Well that was a good reason. " No. " I chuckled weakly. " My ears will bleed if I listen to Maya's voice for once " I said.

Madhav laughed. " Yes she was glued to you the whole day. "

I nodded.

" Then go and take rest. Don't be sad. " He said before leaving.

I sat on the ground near my tent. Our tents were near the pond so I could see all the students from there. But my eyes chose to look at her only.

She and Kalpana were laughing alot. I wonder what jokes were being cracked by Anubhav. It was making me sad and angry at the same time.

I took the bracelet out from pocket that made with flowers for Arini. It looked beautiful truly. The picture of Arini wearing it came in my mind. Suddenly I forgot all my anger and sadness. My lips curved in a small smile. It would look good on Arini's hand.

She might like it. But I wonder what would be more beautiful? The flowers or Arini?

I'm talking like a 15 years old teen in love. Aren't I?

I again put that bracelet in my pocket. I kept it carefully so that it doesn't break. And my eyes again found Arini's boat. This time I saw Anubhav squeezing her right cheek. How dare he? What the hell? Why isn't he leaving her cheek?

I stood up. I wanted to go there and hit him. This boy is crossing his limits. My heart beat came in a bit normal speed when I saw Arini removing his hand from her cheek. Nice. Very nice. Good girl!

I again sat. I think I have to warn Anubhav to not look at her. He can hit on other girls of our college. Not Arini.

I was jealous seeing Arini with Anubhav. But to be honest, the whole I too couldn't talk to her that much. Most of the times I was busy doing the activities. Being a topper, teachers find me reliable. Moreover Maya was glued to me all the time. She literally ate my head.

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