47. Karan

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Okay so we'll be reading about the day when shrey was taken to the hospital. He was unconscious, under doctor's observation. And something else was happening too so we'll be reading about that day now.

Writer's pov

~start of flashback~

" Sir please leave me... I did it because someone gave me money for it... I didn't know anything else.. Please leave me " That man who was in his middle 30s, pleaded, joining both of his hands in front of the police.

That man kept on pleading, almost cried but police still took him with them. After the session of queries, Karan Bhatia's name came out. It came out that Karan bribed that man specially to break the brake of bike and also the real gun shot scene was made because of his will.

The situation reached the ears of Bhatia house. In no time Karan was arrested for attempting to murder someone.

Karan's father, Mr. Amitabh Bhatia quickly sent their skilled lawyer in that place. Because of power, Karan didn't go inside of bars.

And the news spread all over the media. Bhatia house became the main subject of every news channel. Karan was somehow brought back to the house but that issue kept on getting out of their hands. Karan met a furious side of his father who was extremely disappointed with him.

" Dad... Just hear me out.. I didn't think it'll create this much mess.. I thought that Shrey will simply die--" He stopped when Amitabh slapped him hard.

" How the hell you're thinking of killing someone? I have given you all the facilities since the childhood, just to see this? So that you can be a criminal? "

Karan bite his inner cheeks, he couldn't find much words to utter. He knew what he did was wrong but still couldn't taste the guilt.

" Do you know how hard will it become on our company? Both me & your uncle are just trying to shut media's mouth.. Do you even have this much brain? " He roared in front of Karan once again.

" I shouldn't have brought you back from police station. You should have stayed inside of bars. " With that he left the place.

But nothing good got inside of karan's brain, instead he found himself, burning in more anger. "I want to kill you Shrey in my own hands" He fisted his hands in anger.

Now his own house, family members were driving him in nuts. Taking the car keys, he left his house without listening to anyone. He drove straight to Maya's apartment. He wanted atleast her to understand, he wanted to have atleast her to be his side.

Being in an open relationship, he always had the keys of her apartment. So without ringing the bell, he just unlocked the door to enter inside.

" Maya where are you babe? " He asked but didn't find any answer. I walked more to reach her room. Before he could twist the knob of her room, he heard some moans.

Karan's heart tightened. He felt scared. His one last hope was Maya, for whom he did everything, he created the mess, faced police, media, fought with family. He didn't want to see that view. He didn't want Maya's image to ruin like that.

But those voice didn't fade. With shaky hands, he twisted the knob and opened the door to see her so called girlfriend laying down half naked on someone else's body.

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