C.2. Second Hour

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Sana came back to the kitchen silently, filled the piping bag with buttercream frosting and started piping the cupcakes. Nakul, who was sniffing the dishes by lifting the lid, observed his best friend's face dull and sad.

"What happened, Sana?", He asked.

She nodded her head in denial and kept piping the cupcakes.

"Give, let me help you piping it.", He said trying to take the piping bag from her.

"Nakul, can you please leave me alone?", She said pulling her hand away from him.

"No!!", Said Nakul.

"What do you want Nakul?", She said in annoyance.

"I just want to help my best friend. That's it!", He said.

"Okay, take. Do it yourself!! I am leaving.", She said shoving the piping bag into his hand.

"But.. I don't know how to do piping.", He said.

"Rascal..",she cursed him under her breath and continued working.

"Why are you sad Sana?", Asked Nakul.

"I am not!", She said.

"You are!", He argued.

"Nakul..", exclaimed Sana's mother.

"My.. my.. look at the hot chick!! Many happy returns of the day hottie..", said Nakul.

"Thank you Nakul..", smiled Sana's mom.

"So 16 or 17?", He asked.

"Ofcourse 16..", said her mom laughing.

"If by any chance you decide to divorce uncle than just remember, I am always waiting for you.", Said Nakul to Sana's mom. Sana's hand froze hearing the word divorce.

"Why waste time? Get me a lawyer now!!", Said her mother and pinched his nose. Sana was brought out of her thought and she resumed piping the cake.

"By the way, Sana, where is Sidharth?", Asked her mother.

"Aaa.. Maa.. he got an important call and had to leave.", Said Sana.

"Oh!!", Her mom's face fell.

"It's okay maa.. atleast he came.", Said Sana to cheer up her mom. Her mother nodded her head.

The door bell rang and slowly the house was filled with people. Sana put up a usual plastic smiling face infront of everyone but deep inside she was sad.

While she was habituated to his absence from all important events of their life in past 3 years, today seeing him turn up unexpectedly had made her heart soften up but nothing had changed in him. He would never care for her. He would never love her.


"Sana.. Dance?", Asked Nakul forwarding his hand.

Sana passed her hand to him with a bright smile. The smile which wasn't just limited to lips but it reached till her eyes. They shined like two bright stars. Nakul held her hand firmly and twirled her. His hand came in contact with the bare skin on her waist making her gasp and a blush appeared on her face.

"I love you Sana, will you marry me?", Asked Nakul as they grooved in each other's arms.

Sana paused and looked into his eyes for a brief moment before she nodded her head in affirmation.

Sidharth who was also present in the party stood looking at them in shock.

"Sir, you have an important meeting scheduled. You have to sign a multi-million dollar project today.", Said his secretary, Lily. He looked at her blankly.

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