C.10. Thirteenth and Fouteenth Hour

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Sana curled up on the carer's bed in the private ward of the hospital.

"Sana..", called her father.

"Hmmm.. Papa", she said trying to get up.

"No.. no.. don't get up dear. I just wanted to talk. Are you feeling sleepy already?", Mitesh Asked.

"No papa, not yet.", She said lying back on the bed and looking at him sleeping on the patient's bed.

"Your maa told me that Sidharth had been around since two days. It's good to see you two together again.", He said.

"Hmmm..", hummed Sana lost in her thought.

"I can see the love between you two. I would just say that if you have many reasons to breakup but few reasons to stay, just chose to stay because you don't want to repent later of not giving a chance to it. Breaking up a relationship is easier but staying in it and working out things together to make it better is what take efforts and is far more fruitful especially when you know that you both still love each other.", He said.

"Sana? Are you asleep?", He asked when there was no response from her.

"No papa. I am listening to you.", She said.

"Don't you think you will be happy with him?", He asked.

"I.. I.. I will speak to him tomorrow papa. You should go to sleep now.", Said Sana and Mitesh hummed and said good night to her before slipping into slumber.

"Good morning Sexyna", Sidharth whispered into her ear from back as she stood and watched Nakul checking the vitals of her father. His husky whisper made her shiver.

"Good morning S..Sidharth.", she stammered. Nakul glanced at them both and gave Sidharth a subtle smile before continuing his work. Sana's mother went and sat beside Mitesh's bed.

"For you!", Sidharth whispered yet again forwarding the white lillies bouquet in his hand infront of Sana. Her lips formed a soft curve looking at the bouquet.

"Thank you!", She said accepting the flowers from him.

"Can we talk, Sexyna?", he mumbled near her ear gazing at her face from her side. Having heard him, Nakul glanced at Sana, who nervously fidgeted her fingers around the bouquet as she stared ahead. Nakul subtly shook his head to encourage his best friend to say yes.

Mitesh and Nakul exchanged smiles as Nakul continued to check his nerves.

"Sexyna..", Sidharth called her again more audible to others since she hadn't responded.

"Ssshhh.. Let's get him discharged first..", mumbled Sana pointing at Mitesh making Nakul roll his eyes.

"Guys, can y'all both please stay outside and let me concentrate on my work?", Said Nakul giving a chance to them to talk in alone.

"Not you maa.. only those two noisey pots.", Nakul pointed at Sana and Sidharth when Sana's mother tried standing up to leave. Sidharth smiled for getting the opportunity he waited.

"Thank you Nakul.. (Sana glared at him making him stammer) I mean, sorry doctor. Will wait outside.. come Sexyna..",said Sidharth while Sana felt  humiliated in front of a nurse hence she threw daggers at Nakul. Finding Nakul smirk at her, she showed him her middle finger.

"Sexyna..?", Sidharth widened his eyes having observed her gesture and quickly grabbed her hand to hide her finger and yanked her outside the room.

"Stupid.. Idiot.. Good for nothing.. Dumbo..", she cursed as soon as they got out.

"What? What did I do, Sexyna?", Asked Sidharth with puppy eyes.

"Not you. It was for Nakul. (Annoyed) No wait!! Perhaps, it is you! If you had to keep your mouth shut, he wouldn't have chastised me.", She said narrowing her eyebrows at him while poking her finger on his chest three times. Instead of getting angry, Sidharth felt happy from inside for the banter she threw at him. It reminded him of them years back.

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