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"May I come in, Geeta?", Sana asked knocking on the door.

"Yes Sana. Please come in.", Said Geeta taking off her reading glasses. She placed the book she was reading on the table beside her.

"I am sorry for being late.", Said Sana as she walked inside.

"Well.. you are still early. He isn't here yet.", Said Geeta.

"Nothing new to me..", smirked Sana.

Geeta silently observed her.

"So, what were you reading?", Asked Sana looking at the book beside Geeta's table.

"Oh!! A book by PoohBear called 15 Hours To Fall In Love.", Said Geeta showing her the front cover.

"Hmmm.. is it based on a real story?", Asked Sana.

"No.. it's a romantic fiction", said Geeta.

Sana chuckles.

"No wonder.. 15 hours to fall in love..",Sana shook her head in disbelief and a smirking face.

"Excuse me, Geeta.", Came a male voice who knocked on the door and opened it hurriedly.

"Oh!! You are here. Come in Sidharth.", Geeta invites.

"Sorry, I am late. Huge traffic on the way, you see?", He excused.

Sana chuckled sarcastically which made him glare at her. He sat on the couch beside her. While Geeta sat opposite to them on a single seater couch.

"What made you laugh?", He asked.

"Your excuses..", Sana replied.

"What was so funny about it?", He probed.

"What time did you leave the office?", Asked Sana.

"At 5.", Said Sidharth.

"Stop lying Sidharth. Your secretary, Lily said you left the office at 5:40pm. It's a 30 minutes drive from your office and it's 6:12pm. Now you know why I laughed?", Asked Sana.

"You are spying on me? Huh? On your own husband?", Asked Sidharth.

"When you don't have answers to my questions, you start accusing me. Nice way to escape, Sidharth.", Sana smiled painfully.

"I was working my ass off in office damnit! I had an important meeting to attend. I don't sit at home enjoying my husband's hard earned money and speak shit about him infront of a third person.", He said angrily.

"Important meeting. Only if you had thought that I was important as well, you would have known that even I have been working for two years now.", Sana replied.

"Okay guys. I know we are here to talk. So let's talk peacefully.", interrupted Geeta.

"What's there to talk, Geeta? She is here because of her parents. She wants a divorce from me. Doesn't that explain that she doesn't want to be with me anymore?", Said Sidharth.

"With you? Seriously? How many times were you with me Sidharth? You were never with me. If at all by the word, 'with me', meant to stay at the home built by you, sleep in the room which you call yours and on your bed then yes, I don't want to be 'with you' anymore.", Said Sana.

Geeta quietly observed both of them.

"So what do you want me to do? Leave all my work and sit with you at home the whole time?", He yelled.

"No, I just want to be with someone who thinks I am important as well.", Sana answered.

"Cool down both of you. I am a counsellor and I am here to listen to you. Could you please stop talking among yourselves and talk to me instead?", Said Geeta.

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