C.3. Third Hour

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Unedited version 🙏

"Sana, please help me with this tie", Nakul said standing in front of the mirror.

Dressed in a beautiful pink saree, she rolled her eyes and went close to him. He placed the tie on her palm upon forwarding. As she stepped ahead and adjusted the tie around his neck, he pulled her closer by her waist leaving no gap between them.

"What are you doing Nakul?", She said.

"What? What am I doing?", He asked acting totally innocent.

"Hmm.. Stand straight", she ordered pushing him a little back and getting on to work with the tie while his hands were still around her waist and eyes explicitly reserved for her face.

"Done!!", She said with a bright smile.

"So soon?", He asked sensuously.

"Yeah.. now leave me..", she said.

"No", he shook his head and water droplets from his hair fell on her face.

"Hey!! You haven't wiped your hair properly. Leave me and wipe your hair.", She scolds.

"No, I won't", he shook his head rigorously causing few more droplets splash on her.

"Nakul.. stop it..", She whined while clenching her eyes shut and gripping a few strands of his hair in her hand.

They stared intensely into each other's eyes and leaned closer. Their breathing and heart beats rose.

Sidharth startled in his slumber hearing his phone ring and sat up straight. A sudden sharp pain in his head due to last night's hangover caused him to hold it.

Before he could gain control of his mind and attend his phone, it stopped ringing. He didn't bother to give it any attention but looked at where he was at the present. It was his room and memories of last night before he passed out flashed before him. He was then reminded of yet another nightmare he had a few minutes back.

His mind was in chaos so his head pounded even more. Just then he noticed a glass of lime water on the table beside his bed. He instantly gulped it down the throat and lay flat on his back again, his eyes wide open staring blankly at the ceiling of his room.

After quite some time, he got up and took a shower. Dressing up in casuals as usual, he went down to the kitchen. 

"Sir, do you need something?", Asked the maid.

"Sana..", he asnswered.

"Ma'am isn't home. She left for her work at 8.", She answered.

"Hmmm..", he nods absent mindedly and opens the fridge door and stares blankly at it for quite a few minutes.

"Sir, do you want something?", The maid asked yet again when she found him standing idle infront of the fridge for over 5 minutes.

"Sana..", he said yet again. The maid was taken aback as to why would he ask the same thing. After a pause, she assumed that he probably didn't hear her for the first time.

"Sir, she left for work at 8.", She answered again but he had drifted off into his thoughts before hearing her answer. His mind had just been occupied with the same nightmare all the time.

"Sir, should I get something to eat for you?", Asked the maid finding him lost yet again.

"Huh? Where is Sana?", He asked her once more.

"Sir, are you not feeling well?", Asked the maid. He narrowed his eyebrows and glared at her for not answering his question. Instead, he got irked thinking that the maid was being sarcastic as he had never asked her about Sana earlier.

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