C.11. Fifteenth Hour

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"Even though I cared for you and didn't wanted to hurt by letting you know of what I went through, I was scared of getting physically intimate with you. I was terrified with the mere thought of consequences of such an act because I wasn't ready to live through the same hell again. Therefore, I drew myself away from you and changed my room to avoid any physical relationship. I tried meditation and kept myself occupied with work and NGO. It took me a year to reconcile with my nightmares. But you were still busy with your work.", She said.

"I didn't realise how distant we've grown from each other, Sana. I thought you would be still waiting for me and that we would stay together forever.", He said.

"I had the same thought Sidharth but slowly I realised that word 'we' was nowhere. It was replaced with the word I. I ate food alone, I attended family functions alone, I slept alone in the bed, I cried alone. What was there in the marriage for us, Sidharth? It was suffocating for me. I didn't want to hate you by staying in this relationship longer which meant nothing. The importance you gave your work over our relationship made me rethink whether you ever really loved me.", She said.

Sidharth hung his head low, and shook his head feeling absolutely disgraced by his behaviour.

"Sana will you ever be able to forgive me for my mistakes?", He asked in humiliation.

"I didn't want to.. If you had asked me this questions before spending these 15 hours, I wouldn't have. You were ignorant of your actions which irked me. The way you chose to speak arrogantly at Geeta's office further aggravated my anger. But now, your actions in these 15 hours compelled me to forgive you.", She said.

He stared at her silently not knowing what to speak and she continued.

"You know Sidharth, our love story was perfect. We didn't have any villains and we got everything we desired. But that's when marriage is the happy ending of the love story. In reality, marriage isn't the end of every story. Perhaps, it's just the beginning of our life's story. Life which is bigger than love. Love is just a part of life. You need more than love to go on. That's what we lacked and these 15 hours taught us that we need something more than love to make our life story survive.", said Sana.

"I've learnt it Sana and I have learnt it a hard way. Would you be able to..", he hesitated.

"To?", She probed.

"To give me another chance, Sana?", He asked.

"Sidharth.. I need to say something else before this.", She said.

"Say anything but no please. My life isn't life without you in it Sana. I have no one except you.", He said.

"You do Sidharth. There is someone else who you can proudly call as yours apart from me.", She said.

"Huh?", He looked confused.

"I know you don't remember but two and half months back when you returned from the party, instead of going to your room, you knocked on my room door..."


Stumbling and tottering, Sidharth reached Sana's room door and knocked it. Sana was watching a late night movie because she wasn't sleepy. She climbed down the bed upon hearing the knock, unlatched the door and saw him standing infront of her with the support of the door frame.

"Hell..o Sexy..na..", He sheepishly grinned at her while she looked at him in absolute surprise.

"Did you shi..ft back to my room?", He asked.

"Sidharth, I think you forgot your way. Your room is on the left.", She said.

"Tsssshhhh...", He sushed placing his forefinger on his lips. She stared at him expressionless as he placed his right hand behind his ear trying to listen to some feeble voice coming from her room.

"Who is.. in the.. rrrrrooomm with you?", He questioned raising his one eyebrow. She rolled her eyes in disdain.

"No one..", she answered but he dodged her and staggered inside her room. She sighed and went behind him. He looked at the television playing some Hollywood movie.

"Oh!! Helllooo Mr. Tom Cruise.. what are you doing in my room?", He asked staring at the actor in television.

"She is my wi..fe.. just mine..", he said pointing his hand at the screen.

Sana rubbed her forehead in disbelief looking at her drunk husband throwing fits at the television screen.

The actor cupped actresses face and delivered romantic dialogues.

"Oh!! He already has someone to romance.", Sidharth said to Sana pointing his finger at the screen. She looked at the screen on which the two actors were liplocked. She turned her gaze away and looked into a different direction but the screen caught Sidharth's attention.

"Awww.. wow!!", He admired the kissing scene in awe comfortably sirting on the bed while supporting his jaws with his palms. Sana rolled her eyes finding Sidharth so invested in the romantic scene.

"Sidharth, I think you should go back to your room. I can help you", She said forwarding her hand to him.

"Tsssshhhh.. don't disturb them.", He said tugging her by her hand suddenly, making her lose balance and land into his lap. As she struggled to get up, he delicately ran his hand on her cheek causing a shiver run through her whole body.


"Ssshhhh..", he touched her lips and caressed with his thumb softly.

"How do you taste Sexy..na? It's been sooooo long..", he whispered before placing his lips on hers. Though his mouth stinked of liquor, she found herself falling weak to his actions. It had been over a year they last touched each other. Even though he was drunk and she was sane, she was rendered vulnerable to his touch. He passed out after an intense love making session.

In the early morning, she woke up and left to her office.

Flashback ends

Sana held his hand in hers and gently placed it on her stomach. His confused eyes were now stunned as he widened his eyes and looked at her.

"Are you?", His voice choked..

"We are..", she nodded.

"Are we pregnant?", He asked with welled up eyes.

"Our Samaira has given us a second chance, Sidharth. Will you be there with us this time?", Asked Sana.

"I will.. I won't repeat the same mistake Sana. I promise to stay with you and our child.", He said.

"I don't want you to give up on your work Sidharth because I know you are doing it for us. Even an hour or two with us is fine but it should be only for us. Just like these 15 hours which you gave for us so that we can stay in love..", She said.

"I will..", he said kissing her forehead. He then kneeled in front of her and kissed her belly.

Sana phone rang, it was a call from insurance company telling her that her claim has been processed.

"Let's go Sidharth.", She said forwarding her hand to him and they walked hand in hand back to the private ward. The smile on her parent's face was unmatched and priceless as they watched their daughter back with her husband.

"Get well soon uncle, you have to be fit by the time your grandchild arrives.", Said Nakul.

"What? Really?", Exclaimed Mitesh in excitement.

"How does he know?", Asked Sidharth totally perplexed.

"Nakul's wife is my gynecologist.", Said Sana rolling her eyes.

"Ohhh!! And when did you learn about you being pregnant?", Asked Sidharth.

"5 days back when I went for checkup..", she said.

"Okay!", He smiled earning a smack from her.


Wait for the epilogue.. ❤️❤️

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