Chapter Five

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Vica realized early on, just a few days after meeting Max Emilian Verstappen, that she was undeniably drawn to the Red Bull driver. Between Max's frequent timezone changes and her hectic work schedule, they would talk endlessly and without difficulty. She also found herself watching his races, even if it meant seeing her father through the iPad screen during the two-hour broadcasts.

Vica always managed to find time to accommodate Max's equally crazy timetable. To Andie's surprise, Vica cleared her calendar when Max unexpectedly showed up in Rome after the Imola Grand Prix. For five days, they went on a road trip to the southern regions of Italy, with Max behind the wheel and Vica navigating, making unplanned stops along the way.

On that trip, not a single kiss was shared between them but the connection felt more intimate than ever. It was just the two of them, sharing gazes, laughing without a joke being said.

There was a particular moment, early on the third day of their journey, as they left the charming BnB they had stayed in while in Naples, en route to Amalfi, that she realized she had fallen in love with him. It wasn't a breathtaking or heart-stopping revelation; it simply crept up on her. Max was recounting the story of how he found the bracelet he had given her and how daisies reminded him of her, which is why he included a daisy charm with it. There was a quiet lull after he finished, her eyes focused on him, and that was the moment Vica knew he had her.

"Do I have something on my face?" Max asked, stealing a quick glance at her.

A light blush streaked her cheeks,⁸ flustered.

"I know I'm handsome," Max teased.

Vica laughed and rolled her eyes, not because she disagreed with him but to conceal her true thoughts. "You are so full of yourself!"

"Would you stare at me if I wasn't?" Yes.

"What? No answer?"

"I think you should focus on the road, Caro." Vica lightly touched Max's face, guiding his attention back to the road. Max's laughter filled the car, and she couldn't help but smile broadly, her happiness evident to anyone who knew her.

The five days spent traveling through the South of Italy were some of the best days of Vica's life. She wore a forced smile as she bid Max goodbye, expertly hiding her disappointment. She couldn't let it show and make him uncomfortable.

Vica waited for Max to check in before returning to her car. To her surprise, Max smiled and waved at her while the guard checked his documents. A genuine smile finally graced her face, and she responded with a small wave. She rolled her eyes and chuckled when he gestured for her to call him.

Oddly enough, she didn't need to call him; Max made a call to her as soon as his flight landed in Istanbul. He continued calling her as the race weekend ensued. It didn't matter whether it was before a practice session, media duties, or heading out for dinner, he'd call her. However, just before the qualifying session, Vica's phone was suddenly unavailable, causing Max to grow increasingly concerned that he decided to call Andie as soon as quali was done.

"I'll call her secretary, Max. Don't worry till then and have a great rest before the race, yeah?" Andie said, ending the phone call.

Max sat uncomfortably at the hotel's cafe, his brewed coffee growing colder by the minute. It was 15 minutes of utter torment as he waited for Andie's update which came only 45 seconds before the 16th minute.

'She was at a business meeting. Her phone's switched off. Try calling her again.'

Max dialed her number repeatedly. At last, the call went through. He could hear the phone ringing on the other end. Furrowing his brow, he realized he could hear the ringing in the café and looked towards the entrance.

For Max, that moment was when Vica walked toward him, exuding subtle confidence. Her floral mask covered part of her face, but her eyes told him she was smiling beneath it. He felt a mix of happiness and nervousness, a feeling similar to when he first entered karting. It was then that Max knew. He was in love with her.

"You came," he said.

"I did," she replied.

"But you hate racing."

"You're P2." Max raised an eyebrow, challenging her to elaborate on her point. She chuckled lightly and cleared her throat. " I had to watch you live. I even got tested so I could enter the paddock."

"Where did you get your paddock pass?"

"Called in a favor. You do realize my family holds 15% shares at Ferrari."

"They wouldn't be happy that you're cheering for the competition."

"They really don't have a choice in the matter."

Max shook his head at her, laughing. "Alright, alright."

"Have you had dinner?" Vica asked him.

"Not yet. I think I had a feeling you'd be here."

"Is that so?" Vica tilted her head, an amused smirk on her face.

"I was supposed to have dinner with the team but said no." Max put an arm around Vica's shoulder. He smiled widely, pinching her nose lightly. "Are you hungry? Do you want to order food?"

"Let's eat in. Order kebabs?"

Max nodded. "And a Caesar salad."

"Yes, that too."

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