Chapter Eight

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"Well, good morning, famiglia." Beatrice de' Medici had a massive smile on her face that morning as she sat down on her usual seat at the dining table. She clasped her hands together, making a slight popping sound. "Big day today! Are you excited, my dear?"

Vica smiled reassuringly at her mother. "Of course, Mama."

"Have you had the time to explore the grounds, Sophie, Victoria?"

"Yes. The gardens are very nice. We've found ourselves enjoying the pool, too." Sophie Kumpen replied.

It was a relief to both Max and Vica that their families were getting along well. They expected some hiccups on that part since their families hadn't the time to spend a weekend together before the engagement but so far, it has been smooth sailing. Even her Nonna was welcoming to her soon-to-be in-laws and gave attention to the youngest Verstappen particularly. Jos has yet to join the families in Florence but that was because Max told his father to just attend the wedding.

"I'm happy for you, Vi. I'm sure Ren is happy up there too," Andie gave her a hug when it was confirmed to them that the announcement had been sent to the Italian and Dutch news outlets. Max's social media manager had also messaged them that the engagement announcement had been posted on all his social media platforms. It was out there now.

Max and Vica had made their relationship public. Everyone knew now that they were tying the knot on Saturday. The next few days were going to be a challenge to the two of them, after all, they planned 3 days full of events to appease their friends and family.

Her grandparents hosted a welcome dinner for both families on the first day. On the second day, all of their friends arrived and another dinner was hosted for them at one of Envici's vineyards located a few kilometers outside of Florence. The vineyard's Catherine House would also be their guests' home for the wedding weekend.

"Well, damn..." Alex Albon would say to Max as the drivers invited gathered in a small circle before the dinner. "How much did you pay for everything?"

"Vica and I agreed to split the expenses equally but that doesn't include the dinner last night, the dinner tonight, and the guests' housing. Those are on her grandparents, they insisted."

"You're really getting married," Charles said with doubt, but he was distracted and kept moving his head around. It was apparent he was looking for someone.

"Yes, I am. And Charles, Kit's not here," Max told him, earning a side eye from Charles.

"I didn't look for her."

"Yeah, right. Who are you fooling?" Danny laughed.

"Kitty is actually on holiday with her fiancée and his family," Max said. "She already told Vica that she was going to miss the pre-wedding events."

"Good for her," Charles said.

Bitterly, Max noted. He quickly signaled to Alex to change the subject because the last thing he needed today was a sulky Charles. Max had little knowledge about what happened between his friends. It was just after the summer break in 2019 when Charles surprised everyone when he brought Charlotte Siné to Monza and made their relationship official. It came as a surprise because everyone thought something was going on between the two.

Then, in 2020, Kit called it quits with her job at Mercedes, moved back to Paris, and announced her engagement with Arnault heir, Frederic.

"But she'll be here on time for the wedding, right?" Alex asked.

"That's what she said," Max replied. "Plus I warned her that I would be pissed off if she missed my wedding. Baby..."

Vica kissed Max on the cheek, then smiled at his colleagues. "Hello, boys! How are your rooms? I hope it's all to your liking."

"I think I can speak for everyone, the rooms are lovely. Thanks for arranging everything for us, Vica," George said.

"Oh, it's not a problem. I'm glad you guys are happy with your accommodations. And where are your lovely dates?"

"Carmen and Lily are with Andie, June, and Hannah," George answered her.

"I think Cha is with Isa," Charles shrugged.

Max could only shake his head with disappointment. His friend and racing rival had no idea where his girlfriend was, and it was annoying to see Charles maintain a relationship just because he needed to prove to a girl who wasn't his ex-girlfriend that he wasn't affected by her.

"A few quick reminders," Vica began. "The wedding rehearsal is tomorrow morning. Someone from the event coordinator's team will pick you guys up. Then, after the rehearsal, you have your final fittings. Please don't be MIA for that."

"Copy, Mrs. Verstappen." Lando chuckled in response. He had met Vica on several occasions and she was very much like Kit but more comfortable with the wealth she was born with. He liked her for Max too. Lando saw the spark between them even in the smallest, most subtle interactions.

"It's going to be de' Medici-Verstappen, Lando," Max corrected.

"No, it's just going to be Verstappen," Vica laughed.

"I was thinking of also taking the hyphenated name you know."

Vica arched a brow. "Huh, no. Just no. You're Max Verstappen, caro. I'll take the surname."

"Nah, nonna will kill me."

Vica rolled her eyes as Max hugged her from behind, his lips resting near her ear. She could feel his laugh as she rested a hand on his cheek.

"Alright, that's enough PDA for me. Anyone else wants a refill?" Lando rolled his eyes, raising his empty wine glass.

"I'll go with you," George and Charles said in unison. The three excused themselves from Danny and the couple.

"Ah, weaklings," Danny laughed. He faced the couple. "So, what's up? How are you two feeling?"

"We're doing great so far," Max said, looking into Vica's eyes and smiling. "Very excited."

"As your best man, I am obliged to ask if you two have your surname issue settle because it sounds like you haven't."

"We've settled it when we signed our pre-nup, Daniel. We just like making everyone think we haven't made up our minds about it," Max said.

"I'm going to keep my name and he'll keep his, but our kids would have different surnames," Vica scowled. She still didn't like Max's compromise, although she did appreciate his selfless gesture.

"Oh, what now?"

"Since Vica's the only living Medici in her generation, I suggested that our first child would have a hypenated family name."

"That's cool and extremely thoughtful. I don't think I could do it," Danny chuckled.

"Well, it's quite annoying. Now I have to be nice to him all the time," Vica laughed.

"You're always nice to me, babe."

"Oh, caro... of course I am."

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