Chapter One

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January 2019

Florence, Italy

The Medici family has survived wars and endured for centuries. Although, its political power has dessimated over time, the family remains an integral part of Italian history. And, only one person stood to inherit all the riches and heritage the Medici family has: Vittoria Catalina de' Medici.

There was no one else. She was it; the last Medici.

But it wasn't like that always. Vica was second for most of her life, and she liked being second because it was to her brother.

Vica loved her brother. She didn't mind that he was put first because he put her first. She was as much as important to Ren as he was to their grandparents. Ren spoiled her; gave her everything, anything. She couldn't care less if their grandparents never considered her for their companies because she was sure Ren would take care of her forever and she also had trust funds anyway.

Now, with Ren gone, Vica had to face the task of assuming the responsibilities her brother once shouldered, and it was overwhelming her greatly. The fact that she only was in this position because her brother was dead contributed to her feelings of anxiety about this new life (practically) she had.

Felipe Lanza, the family lawyer, and her mother's closest cousin, was there to deliver the final nail in the coffin that contained her old self.

"Ren's trust fund has been donated to the charities Andie listed. Your Nonno and Nonna revised their last will and testament, designating you and your mother as the only beneficiaries. Your Nonno will take over Ren's position in the company until your graduation this summer," he stated. "It's official. You're the most eligible bachelorette in Europe."

Vica replied grimly, "I don't think it's a cause for celebration."

"Well, that's all I have for you. When do you leave for London?"

"University starts in two weeks."

"If you need my assistance with anything, don't hesitate to reach out. Capisce?"

"Molte grazie, Zio. I'll call you if I have any questions. Say hello to Zia Carina for me."

After her uncle's departure, her new secretary entered the room, clutching a notebook that undoubtedly contained a list of tasks that required her attention.

"Speak your mind, Giulio, but please be quick. Nonna's arriving from Rome any minute now," she cautioned.

Giulio began, "It's about the renovation of Palazzo Vecchio, and the villa near Lake Como that il Signorino was planning to purchase. You need to sign some papers if you intend to proceed with the acquisition."

"What villa?" Vica blinked in surprise.

"Villa della Bellezza."

"He was purchasing that villa? Why?" She was astonished to learn that her brother had been pursuing the villa she had her eye on. Then, the reason became evident; the same reason he was on that treacherous road to Amalfi, and the same reason for everything Ren did. It was for her. "Never mind. Give me with the papers, I'll sign them, then I'll leave you to handle the rest."

"Very well, signorina."

"What about the renovation-" Vica's inquiry was cut short by a knock on the door. One of their butlers entered the study.

"Mi scusi, signorina. Sua nonna è arrivata," the butler announced. "She's waiting in the main hall."

"Thank you, Martin," she nodded. Turning to Giulio, she said, "Walk with me. What about the Palazzo? I thought the renovation had been approved by the city council."

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