Chapter Two

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March 2019


Against her wishes, Vica found herself at an F1 track. If not for her sister-in-law, who needed her support, she would be nowhere near motorsports. Formula 1 was a sore subject for her.

Vica was a bundle of nerves during the entire flight from Milan to Bahrain. Upon reaching the track, she did her best to avoid anyone wearing a Red Bull shirt, staying put within the comfort of the Williams hospitality. She'd rather endure there than chance an encounter with her father.

Her biological father was someone she had no relationship with, nor did she desire one. On the other hand, her brother had somehow fostered a good relationship with their father. She wondered if it was because he spent the first four years of his life with a father, while she was born a little over two months after their parents' relationship unraveled. Perhaps all the bad luck was cosmic karma for that relationship.

Leaving her seat for a brief moment to wish good luck and watch Andie prepare for her drive brought an unwelcome encounter with her father. Playing a game of chicken, Vica managed to dodge his presence. The old man had tried to insert himself into her life a few years back, but she had firmly declined. Her last encounter with him had been at her brother's funeral, nearly three months ago, and she was determined to not be in the same room as him again.

Vica spotted someone familiar from her boarding school days - Katherine Horner. Her presence came as a pleasant surprise and they embraced warmly.

"Kate!" Vica exclaimed.

"Vica, in the flesh," Kit greeted her with a wide grin. "What are you doing here? Where have you been? How have you been?"

"I'm doing alright. Studying in Ox. I'm here with my sister-in-law. Ex sister-in-law."

"Ren got married, then divorced?" Kit chuckled. She knew Ren, and he was a massive heartthrob back then. It was a surprise Ren even got married.

"Ren... got married almost three years ago. Then, he - uh died, in December last year. Car accident," Vica said with a lump in her throat.

"Oh no. I didn't know. I'm sorry." Kit expressed her condolences.

"No worries, Kate," Vica replied with a half-smile. She briefly scanned the area to ensure her father wasn't approaching, and then continued, "oh, there's my sister-in-law. Andie!"

"Andie Lauda's your sister-in-law." Kit's jaw dropped.

"Yes, you know her?" Vica asked, an amused smile playing on her lips. "Ohhh! I always forget that her granddad is someone important."

"Aside from that, she used to race." Kit trailed off just as Andie stood in front of her with a kind smile.

"Hi!" Andie waved at her. She then addressed Vica, "Vic, are you okay here? I thought you won't ever leave the hospitality."

"I'm alright, Andie. I was just talking with Kate here. She was my roommate at Le Rosey. But most people call her Kit," Vica introduced.

"Nice to meet you, Kit. I'm Andie."

"I know." Kit blurted out. "I mean I met you in 2011 at the pre-season test. My dad, Christian, introduced me to you. I heard you were doing a free practice drive for Williams."

"A crazy favour my granddad asked me."

"Oh, how is Niki doing? I hope he's fine."

"He's doing well, thank you for asking." Andie had a subtle, wistful smile on as she spoke. She then turned to Vica and continued, "Vica, Mamma said she'll meet us at the resto for early lunch."

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