Chapter Three

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September 2020
The Dolomites, Italy

Vica did the funniest thing ever, and turned down the position at their company. It was obviously to delay the inevitable reality of becoming a corporate slave. She could postpone it for some years. But she would have to take it someday.

So, while she wasn't working at the family business, she attended the parties she was invited to. Being the face of the Medici family was equally as important as slaving away as COO.

Then, an invitation made its way to her desk earlier in the morning of the 1st of September. It was something she couldn't turn down even if she hated it to her core. Too important, business-wise. "I can't seem to shake Formula One off," Vica said, her distaste noticeable with the deep frown on her face.

Andie, who was seated near a fireplace, laughed at her. "Maybe it's fate, Vi."

"Well, fate deserves a fuck you."

She threw the envelope on the floor which Andie picked up. "What a fancy invitation to Ferrari's 1000th GP celebration. You can bring what's his name," Andie smirked.

"Giulio's my plus one. Nonna said so."

"Whatever happened to the football player?"

"Nothing." Vica shrugged. She didn't like talking about the football player. It was something that made her feel unnecessarily confused. She knew she made the right decision but she felt some dread about it too.

Andie chortled. "It wasn't nothing, Vi. Didn't he ask you to marry him?"

"He wanted something more," Vica said, wanting to leave it at that.

Andie's expression changed into a more serious look. "You liked him, didn't you?"

"I did."

"Then, why'd you turn him down?"

"I'm too young to get married. I'm not even sure I want to get married. It would've only hurt him if I dragged it out," she said.

Vica was relieved that Andie let the topic rest. It had been a month since she last saw Paulo and admittedly, she liked him. Hell, she might have had stronger feelings for him. The fact remained that she didn't want to get married, especially because she had just graduated from university the year before.

If she said yes to Paulo, it would've been unfair to him. He adjusted so much to accommodate her and her wants and needs that it scared her. She didn't want him to wake up tired of her one day. So, she called it quits.


Florence, Italy

Fitted in a custom black Giorgio Armani silk tube dress, Vica showed up at Ferrari's 1000th GP celebration like she owned the place. Technically, she did. Although the program was held outside at the Piazza della Signoria, Palazzo Vecchio was cared for by their family for centuries now, and it was hosting the soirée after the program.

In the car with her was Giulio, her PA — babysitter if she were to be honest. The old woman didn't trust her enough to let her go on their own, and well she didn't trust herself enough that she would be able to go through it. "Ferrari executives will be at the venue together with their team principal and other important figures. The drivers Charles Leclerc, Sebastian Vettel-"

"Vettel," Vica interrupted, feeling familiarity with the surname. Then, something clicked as she realized when and where she heard it. "He was at the funeral service."

"Mr. Sebastian Vettel and Miss Andie are good friends. Leclerc, too. They both knew the Signorino."

Flashes from the cameras blinded Vica as she stepped out of the car but she managed to keep the smile on her face, despite the discomfort she felt. The Scuderia Ferrari Team Principal and Ferrari CEO greeted her at the red carpet.

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