Chapter Ten

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Vica woke up with sunlight streaming onto her face from the open window. The cold air blew and she shivered, making her raise the comforter above her head.

She felt Max's grip on her stomach pulling her towards him. The warmth he shared was welcomed. All was blissful for the past three days they've been in Scotland for their honeymoon.

Max would make breakfast while she made their bed. Or she would clean up after him. It was domestic and a far cry from the chaos of Florence or Monaco.

"Charles was asking if we'd go to Corsica with him and his girlfriend," Max said as they ate lunch later that day. "I told him it's up to you, of course."

"Well," Vica trailed off.

"I'll tell him no." Max gave her a reassuring smile, and that was the end of it. They talked about going up the Glen in time to watch the sun set. Just like they did two days prior.

"I was thinking..." Vica started, "do you want to go to Mykonos for the summer break?"

"I'd go anywhere with you."

"You're being cheesy," she pinched his cheek lightly.

"I'm being serious."

"You really are, aren't you?"

"Yes, I'll be where you are as soon as my races end."

"You'll be where I am," Vica repeated.







"I'm sorry I wasn't in Texas. If I could've left Tokyo earlier, I..." Vica gently told Max over the phone. They barely saw each other since their summer break in Greece, and there wasn't anything they could do about it.

Nonno stepped down as chairman and president by the end of summer. Since then, Vica stepped up and became more involved in their businesses. The transition in management was nothing short of difficult and a lot changed in an annoying small period of time.

Max knew she tried to be at the last grand prix but an emergency at work came up. Same thing happened during the grand prix before that, and before that. She felt like she was losing Max because she was away most of the time. So, she asked Giulio to clear her schedule for Abu Dhabi. Vica was going to be there when Max took his first championship title no matter what.

"We haven't seen each other in almost three weeks," Max responded.

"I know," Vica sighed. She wanted badly to be with him. To go home to him.

"I know you want to be with me, Vivi. I could be there. I should be with you."

"I know that but It's going to be taxing to you, Max."

"Well, I miss you," Max said.

"Tu me manques. When will you be leaving for Mexico?" She asked.

"Early morning tomorrow. Danny Ric, Charlie, and I are going together. You'll call me if you can come home before Brazil, so I can see you wherever you are if you can't?"

"I'll call as soon as I know where my shitty schedule takes me. Stay safe, alright?"

"You too. I'll see you soon, Vivi."

It was hard for Max, not being able to be with her most of the time but he wouldn't tell her that he felt a little bit neglected. It was difficult, but he wasn't going to create a fight over something small when he could spend time with her when the season was over.

Max slipped his phone into his pocket. It was time he got up to jog. The new apartment was empty. His and Vica's things were still in boxes. He was going to call a cleaning company to have them arrange their things, but he never got to it.

"Max! Maxy!"

Max stopped in his steps and removed his airpods from his ears. "Kitz," he smiled.

"Fancy seeing you here. I thought you moved to Italy during the summer break," Kit said.

"We're staying in Monaco for a while. We talked about moving to Italy, so we'd be close to family and of course, her work is in Rome. But we've been too busy."

"Well, give my regards to Vi."

"Yeah, will do, Kitz."

"Enjoy your run!" Kit walked off to a nearby café.

Max followed her with his gaze. He shook his head when he saw Charles going out of the same café. Monaco was small. They were going to end up seeing each other despite their obvious efforts to avoid each other.

He laughed and went back on his run.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, Vica throws her phone back into the depths of her Goyard handbag. She exited the airport's comfort room and found her companions waiting.

"We are ready to go, signorina." Giulio clasped his hands, a folder of papers clutched in between.

Vica nodded. "You called Christian and asked about Max's hotel—"

"Sì. The team principal said that he has informed the hotel that you will be arriving ahead of Il Signorino."

"Alright. The car?"

"Ready for you downstairs."

Vica was surprising Max at the grand prix in Mexico. It was unplanned. Her initial plan was Abu Dhabi. But something came up.

It was more important that she was with Max now.

It couldn't wait.

"Reservations under Verstappen and de' Medici," she heard Giulio said to the receptionist.

The woman's eyes widened. "Welcome to the Four Seasons Mexico, Miss de' Medici! Your suites are ready to go."

The hotel room was nice. It had a small living space before the main bedroom. Vica turned on the television, plopped down the queen-sized bed, and hugged a pillow.

She felt so comfortable that she forgot that Giulio and Maria were still standing there, waiting for her orders.

"Maria, I need food," Vica sat up the bed, turning to her. "Can you get me tacos.... And strawberry shake. Plus fries, lots of fries."

"Dr. Schultz advised that you avoid spicy food," Giulio interjected.

A frown made its way to Vica's face. She wanted what she ordered, and there was no way she wasn't getting any of it.

"Don't worry, ma'am. I'll get you the food you want," Maria immediately said. Once the two were outside the room, Vica could hear them argue with Maria reminding Giulio that the cravings she was having needed to be satiated.

Vica couldn't agree more. She wanted to eat what she wanted, and if she was going to be denied them, there was going to be a reckoning in no certain terms.

That night Vica slept with a smile on her face after eating at least three tacos and finishing a large-sized strawberry shake.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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