Chapter Nine

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No one could wipe the wide smile on Max's face today. For the first time in his life, he was happy unconditionally.

Vica was walking towards him, in her simple and elegant white almost cream wedding gown. He didn't even notice it at first but a tear fell from his right eye. It was Danny Ric, his chosen best man, who jokingly wiped it off with his little pocket handkerchief.

Damn, he was fucking lucky.

Who would've thought Max Verstappen would find the woman he was going to spending the rest of his life with at a Ferrari event.

The woman who openly hated Formula One. But also the woman who made an effort to be at the races in spite of that.

He was going to love her all his life. Short or long. She was the only one.

"Hi, Verstappen." Vica smiled at him, eyes brimmed with tears. She lightly chuckled when he had a similar reaction.

"Hello, Medici." Max kissed her cheek, earning a holler from Danny.

"The wedding hasn't even started yet, Maxy!" Danny said.

The guests laughed.

Intertwining their hands, they faced the altar of Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral. Here they were, making their vows of marriage in front of God and the people they loved.

"Io, Vittoria Catalina, prendo te, Max Emilian, come mio sposo, per averti e mantenerti, da oggi in poi, nella buona e nella cattiva sorte, in ricchezza e in povertà, in salute e in malattia, until death do us part."

"I, Max Emilian, take you, Vittoria Catalina, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. Ti amerò e ti onorerò per tutti i giorni della mia vita."

Lando came forward, holding the wedding bands Max and Vica chose. He held them out to the priest who blessed the rings.

"Vi, take this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Max was proud of himself. He took all morning to memorize the vows. Now it was done.

Worth it.

They signed their marriage contract, followed by their chosen godparents - Corinna Schumacher, Ross Brawn, Toto and Susie, Jean Todt and Michelle Yeoh. Andie, as her maid of honor, also signed as a witness. So did Danny.

"Stop crying," Vica gently squeezed his hands, making circles with her thumbs. It took Max a month before he realized that this was how she said I love you.

He mirrored her actions. "Ik hou van jou," he said. Between the two of them, it was Max who was outspoken. His love language was words of affirmation.

Vica found that weird at first. But she came to appreciate it. There was no conflict between them because of his openness. Their feelings weren't vague. So were their boundaries. He encouraged her to speak her mind about their relationship. He showed her that it's not a one way street. That it took two to tango, and it was the same in a relationship.

"Go in peace with Christ," the Archbishop said as he finished the final blessing.

"Thanks be to God." Max and Vica replied.

"Well, Max," the Archbishop began. "You may now kiss the bride."

Max lifted the veil, but instead of letting it fall behind her, he joined her inside. "Well, hello," he said amusedly. "Fancy seeing you here."

"Fancy seeing you here, amore," Vica said, dusting off his shoulders.

"I'll kiss you now." Max bent a little bit to level with her. He looked into her eyes, smiling like he had just won the championship.

"We get it, guys! You're meant to be! Get on with it!" Lando teased, the other guests laughing with him.

In one swoop, Vica held Max's face and kissed him deeply. He replied as passionately, holding her nape and cheek, deepening it more.

People cheered. Some whistled.

It was done, sealed.

Max was ready to spend the rest of his life with Vica.

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