I want to do something for you

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When I woke up, I felt so much better which was unusual for me as I would normally have the worst hangover ever, being sick probably made me feel better. Michael's ain't next to me so I assumed he'd be in the kitchen making breakfast. It was 10am so I'd gotten a good five hours sleep, I could always have a nap on the beach later. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth AGAIN.

"Morning, when did you get up?" I asked after walking down into the kitchen to find Michael attempting to make some sort of waffles using my waffle maker, but he was doing it wrong.
"Around nine, how the fuck do you work this, it's the most advanced technology I've ever used." He huffed angrily, turning the machine off.
"I'm just trying to be a good boyfriend but you've got a fucking retarded waffle maker therefore I can't do my duty."
I giggled quietly and wrapped my arms around his torso.
"You're doing a great job Mikey." I placed a kiss on the corner of his mouth, I was in a teasing mood. Michael grabbed me by my waist and lifted me onto the kitchen side, pushing himself between my pyjama clad legs. Then he leaned forward and passionately kissed me, with force, a certain desperation in up his movement. I kissed back, gently tugging the ends of his whitey, bluey hair with my hands, causing him to moan into my mouth.
"M-Michael I want to do something for you." I said breathlessly, my lips still against his.
"Maddie, are you sure? You don't have to." He said, slightly excited but a sense of caring in his tone.
"Yes, to repay you for your amazing duties from last night and your attempt at breakfast." Winking, I jumped down off the side and grabbed Michael's hand leading him upstairs to my bedroom.
I pushed Michael down onto my bed gently, and sat on his lap, my legs either side of him so that I was straddling him.
"Are you sure Maddie? You don't have to-."
I cut him off by kissing him, if he kept going on I might have thought twice since I'd never done this before, but it felt right with Michael, I felt comfortable.
I trailed kisses down his neck until I reached the start of his tank top,, I lifted it pulling it over his head, Michele immediately pulled my face up towards his and kissed me desperately. I reached my hands down, which were now shaking quite noticeably, to the button in Michael's jeans. He grabbed my hands and stopped me.
"You really don't have to, as much as I want you to, you don't have to."
I looked at Michael through my lashes, and out a finger to his lips to silence him and reached back to undo his button. I put my lips back on his and got into a rhythm of rocking backward and forwards gently, every now and then rolling my hips into his. Michael groaned into my mouth, pulling away breathlessly.
"Maddie, if you don't stop that, we won't get to the good part." He said, catching his breath. My cheeks flushed, embarrassed at what he had said. Michael flipped us over so that I was on the bed and he was hovering over me. He ran his thumb across my lips which were slightly swollen from kissing him. I pulled his neck down so that I could kiss him and he lifted my top up, braking the kiss to get it over my head. I was now in my shorts and a red lacy bra.
"You're so beautiful." Michael said, admiring the bra, his fingers lightly tracing my stomach. Suddenly, I remembered that I was supposed to be doing something for him, so I somehow managed to get back on top, and I pulled his trousers down, meaning he had to lift his hips up against me, causing me to suck in a breath.
"Babe, are you sure?" He asked, I thought he would want me to do this, why was he asking so many questions?
"Don't you want me to?" I asked, feeling as though he didn't want me to.
"Of course I do, fuck yes I want you to, I just don't want you to feel pressured into doing this."
"I want to Michael." I whispered, placing my lips back on his.
I trailed kisses down his neck AGAIN, lightly sucking at the bottom of his neck, causing him to moan. My hands moved down to his hips and I shuffled down his body (I don't know the word lmao) so that my mouth was inches away from his bulge, which had grown quite prominent. I kissed down his toned stomach until I reached his boxers, looking up at him through my eyelashes.
"Fuck don't do that Maddie." He said screwing his eyes closed.
What had I done? I into looked at him.
"What?" I asked, unsure of how I'd caused him to say that..
"Look at me like that, you look so fucking innocent."
Oh. Questions started to flood through my mind, had he had blowjobs off other girls? Is he a virgin? He obviously isn't, I told myself. I remembered what I was supposed to be doing so I gently palmed him through his boxers, making Michael sit up, his breathing ragged, I was now knelt on the carpet whilst Michael was sat on the edge of the bed.
"Seriously, are you sure you want to?"
I looked up at him, and nodded, reaching my hand under the band of his boxers, pulling them down his thighs. Again, he had to lift his hips so I could get them off his legs. His erection sprung (hate that word) free, how was I supposed to fit that into my mouth? I placed one of my hands on his thigh and I out my other on his erection, slowly pumping. Then, I put my mouth on it and swirled my tongue around the tip, causing Michael's hips to involuntarily buck, his erection hitting the back off my throat making me gag.
"Shit-fuck sorry."
I continued to swirl my tongue around the top slowly taking more of him in my mouth. I pumped the part that wouldn't fit in my mouth, Michael winding his hands into my hair, pushing my head won further. I took as much of him as i could, tears springing to my eyes. Michael placed his hand on mine (the one on his thigh) gently wiping his thumb over it.
"M-Maddie I'm close, so if you don't want me to come in your mouth,fuck, then stop now."
I decided not to stop, I could handle this so I continued to swirl my tongue around him, pushing my head as far down as I could. His hips jerked upwards, he moaned my name in little gasps, hand tightening around mine. He swore in gasps, warm liquid hitting the back of my throat. I took my mouth off him, licking any remaining come off of my lips. Michael grabbed my hands as I stood up, and kissed me gently.
"That was so fucking good."
I looked away, embarrassed that he'd probably had better.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
"It's just, you've probably had so much better off a more experienced girl, it was shit wasn't it?" I asked, not looking into his eyes.
"Maddie, that's the best fucking blowjob I've ever had, I've never came so quick, don't put yourself down, you did fucking brilliant." He said pulling me to sit next to him. I smiled at him, still slightly embarrassed at what I'd just done. Then I blurted out the most awkward question ever.
"Michael, are you a virgin?"
He coughed slightly, obviously surprised at my question.
"Er, no I'm not, are you?"
Now he would probably think I'm an inexperienced little girl.
"Yeah." I looked down.
Michael put his fingers under my chin, forcing me to look at him.
"You shouldn't be ashamed, you just haven't found someone you trust to lose it to." He kissed me softly.
"So you lost it to someone you trusted?" I was now intrigued.
"No,I lost it when I was 15 at a party with some random girl, it was awkward as fuck. But she meant nothing to me." He added, ruffling hid hand through his hair. I nodded, taking in what he had just said. Do I mean something to him then?
"I've only got eyes for you Maddie, I'm not going to go anytime soon, you're stuck with me."
I smiled at him, resting my head on his shoulder, he had managed to put his boxers back on, so he wasn't sat there naked.
"Hey, are you up for the beach babe?"
"Yeah, I'll go and get the stuff packed, are you inviting the boys?"
"No, I just want it to be me and you, I've got somewhere to show you."

So that's the first smuttish scene lmao sorry if it was bad, I don't usually write this sort of thing. I'll be updating sooooon 😘 xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2015 ⏰

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