Band Practice

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From last nights/this mornings drama, I felt tired and groggy. I checked my phone which was on the bedside table, Michael still sleeping, quietly snoring. I remembered my nightmare and it caused me to shiver, that was the worst thing that could happen to me because Michael was one of the only people who cared about me. His godly body was laid asleep next to me, his chest slowly rising and falling with each breath he took. I love watching him sleep because it was so peaceful to watch and he reminded me how lucky I was, I had him, he was mine.
"It's rude to stare maddie."
I jumped at the unexpected voice. This must be the tenth time Michael had reminded me of staring at him whilst he was sleeping. I just smiled even though he couldn't see me, as he still had his eyes closed. I leant down and lightly kissed his cheek, moving back into my previous position which involved me sitting with my legs crossed and staring at the beauty in front of me.
"I'm supposed to have band practice later, the boys have decided to start a band or some shit, you're welcome to come along babe."
"That's a bit random isn't it? I didn't know any of you could sing?"I asked, completely shocked with Michaels sudden statement.
" Luke's deciding on everyone's role later, I can play a bit of guitar though, I thought you knew?"
Michael had propped himself up onto his elbows, the duvet falling down his body, exposing his toned stomach.
"I think you've mentioned it before, I've never heard you though."
"Come along then and you can hear my amazing guitar, hypnotising skills." He said winking at me.
"I just might have to."
I leant down again and Michael grabbed him hips pulling me onto his body and kissing me softly.
"No kissing before we've brushed our teeth, I refuse to kiss you with morning breath." I said, getting up and grabbing a tshirt off the floor to cover up my exposed body.

I had gone home at around four to see my mum, who was supposed to be home today but she was obviously running late.
"Hi mum, I thought you got home today?" I asked, slightly annoyed
"No sweetie, I decided last minute to go on a cruise with Victoria, you remember her don't you? She used to come over all the time when we were in England so we're having a catch up and we have decided to go on a cruise to Dubai! I do wish you could have come along but I didn't want you getting on a plane by yourself, I really need to go our ship is about to leave, I'll be home in around a month depending on work, love you bye"
She hung up on me without letting me answer, sometimes I felt like the mother figure, she never told me what she was doing or where she was going she annoyed me so much. At least I have the house to myself for a couple of months, Michael could move in with me for that time, so I wasn't all alone. Band practice was at 6 and Michael wanted me to be at Luke's for 5:30 so I needed to change and get going.

"I think I should be the lead singer, I'm better looking!" Calum shouted, Luke and him were arguing about who would be the lead singer as everyone else was sorted, Michael was the guitarist and Ashton was on drums, these two couldn't decide.
"Maddie who's better looking out of me and Calum?" Like looked over to me with puppy eyes, giving Calum a glare.
"You're both beautiful." I got up and pecked both of emir cheeks then skipped into the kitchen to make a cup of tea. I was like an old woman. Whilst I waited for the kettle to boil I could hear Luke and Calum continue to argue over their roles in the band. I smiled to myself shaking my head. A pair of arms wrapped around my waist from behind and a head nuzzled into my neck, lips playfully biting it.
"Hey gorgeous" his husky voice whispered, kissing my neck.
"Hey, have those two decided yet?"
"No, they're pissing me off so much, shall we just go to yours or something?"
"No Mikey this is for you as well, I want you to be happy I'm fine watching them argue, it's quite entertaining actually." I said with a laugh, turning round and kissing Michael's lips.
" I just want alone time with you though babe" he whined, looking down at me.
"We have around two months of alone time at my house, my mums decided to go on a cruise with her friend, informing me last minute, she's such a selfish bitch leaving me here."
"I'm here though, I'll come and stay with you for a bit yeah? I don't want you all alone in that house."
"Thanks Michael, so much" I was so glad he offered, I would have felt rude asking him.

Around an hour later Calum and Luke had decided that Luke was going to be the lead and Calum could be bass and back up vocals, like Michael (he plays guitar I am aware). They'd started their first song, which was teenage dream by Katy Perry. Michael looked at me throughout the song, mimicking Luke's singing and over exaggerating. He also occasionally winked and smirked at me, which was entertaining. When the song had finished all the boys looked at me as if they were waiting for my judgement on it.
"It was shit." I said trying to keep a straight face, it was so funny watching their faces all drop at the exact same time, they looked like they were going to burst into tears, bless them.
"I'm joking, it was absolute awesome, I really really liked it, well done!" I jumped up and ran into Michael's arms, passionately kissing him, while he still had his guitar on. However, we were rudely interrupted by Ashton.
"Ew guys PDA, can we keep it pg for Luke's sake please." He said and covers Luke's yes with his hands.
"Sorry daddy." I said.
"Ooh Michael is that what Maddie says to you?"
"That's disgusting, shut up as horn or I'll shit on your face!"
" ew Maddie does he say this to you?"
"No Ash he doesn't." I couldn't contain my laughter and I burst into a fit of giggles.

We'd been sat around drinking for two hours and I was very drunk, we were currently playing truth or dare and I picked dare, Calum had dared me to take my top off and a very sober Michael had stopped the game.
"Me and Maddie are going, it's getting late and we want to go to the beach tomorrow, you're welcome to join, see you guys later yeah?"
"Aw dude you're ruining the fun, why didn't you have any drink?" Calum asked, more drunk than me. As I was drunk, I found everything funny so I was sat on the sofa laughing at what he had said.
" I'm driving mate, and I'm obviously going to have to look after Madison now aren't I, she's in a state."
I smiled lazy at Michael, who didn't look impressed with me.
"Come on babe, get up." He pulled me up with his hands, and steadied me by putting his arm around my shoulders. Somehow, this didn't work and I just sneak to the floor, laughing again.
"Maddie come on, we need to get home, I don't want to be driving after ten, that's when all the party goers are out and they will run in the road and shit, come on please, just get up." Michael was getting impatient with me now, I could hear it in his voice, but I was too drunk to care and I just continued to laugh.
Without warning Michael leant down and picks me up bridal style and carried me over to the door.
"I'll see you guys later, don't drink much more haha." He said chuckling to himself and kicking the door closed as we went out. It was a cold night and my teeth were chattering.
"Hmmmm, cold." I muttered, attempting to bury my face in Michael's warm neck, he had dressed suitably for the cool evening unlike me. I was wearing a black vest top and denim shorts, so I was rather cold. Michael managed to shimmy off his jacket without dropping me and he put it over me as a blanket, whilst he carried me over to the passenger side.

When I woke up I was laid in my bed in my underwear. I had the worst headache ever, I felt like I was going to be sick. I got up and ran to the bathroom, last nights alcohol flowing into the toilet. I was a state and I had been sick in my hair.
"Maddie! Are you okay? Do I need to get you some pain killers?" Michael had appeared out of nowhere, but i didn't manage to reply, as I was spilling my guts into the toilet again. He grabbed my hair and pulled it back so it wasn't being puked on.
"I feel so so bad." I said, my throat all scratchy and my breath smelling of vomit.
"Do you still want to go to the beach, it's only 5 am so you could have some Nurofen and try and sleep it off, I'll cook you something later okay baby, let's get you back into bed, do you think you'll be sick again?" He asked, concern in his voice.
"No, thank you I think I'll brush my teeth though." I tried to lighten the mood.
"I'll wait for you, are you okay to walk or are you a bit shaky?"
"I'm a bit shaky."
I got back into bed with Michael's aid, and he pulled me into him, kissing the back of my neck.
"Sleep tight princess."

Oh my god I'm so sorry i haven't wrote anything for ages I feel so bad I'm so sorry, I lost all motivation but I got it back ahaha, vote share like and everything guys!! Xx 😘

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