Him again

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It had been a week since I'd seen the 4 boys. Ever since Michael kissed me I couldn't stop thinking about his soft lips on mine. I don't know why I missed him, he couldn't even remember my name. He angered me and he was no good for me, that's what I have to keep on telling myself.
It was a warm evening in Sydney and I was working the nightshirt at the cafe again. I actually enjoyed working at the cafe because it gave me something to do, instead of sitting around all day. My mum has been gone for two days, she's on a business trip in Perth with her job and she won't be back for a month, but she said she might visit if she gets a chance. I'm not really bothered because we don't really get on.
I got to the cafe 10 minutes early so I told Elena that she could go and I would clean up for her. We had become quite good friends because both of us worked together on Wednesdays and Fridays so it gave us time to gossip. Elena was one of the only people who i thought of as my first friend in Sydney.
My mum had gone to Perth for the remainder of the month, for some work that she had to do there and she said she would call occasionally. I'd only been in Sydney for 9 days and she'd already left me.
The night shifts are always quiet so at 11:54 I decided I would lock up and go home. I got my bag and jacket because it gets a bit cooler at night and made my way to the door. I turned the last light off and locked the door. As I turned around a body collided with mine. I fell back against the door.
"Ow my head." I touched my head and I could already feel a lump forming on the back of it.
" Oh my gosh I'm so sorry ,Maddie are you okay?" It was Michael. He was looking at me with worry in his eyes.
"I'm fine Michael, it's just a bump." I didn't know what else to say to him.
"Let me take you home and make sure you don't pass out or something." He giggled at the end and I only just realised he had his hand just above my head and he was leaning against his palm.
"Are you sure?" Even though he was tipsy it would save me money and I did feel a bit dizzy.
"Of course I am otherwise i wouldn't have said it." He snapped.
"I don't want to be in the same car as you if you're going to be like this!" I shoved him away from me and walked in the direction of the train station.
"Maddie! Maddie come back I didn't mean to snap at you, please!" He shouted, running after me. Michael grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.
"I'm sorry."he said looking in my eyes,"please just let me take you home." He asked, well more demanded.
"Fine." I was too tired to argue with him. He grabbed my hand a pulled me into his body, wrapping his arm around my waist. I leant into him and put my arm around his hips, gripping on because I was feeling dizzy.
"Are you okay?" He mumbled kissing the top of my head. I don't know why he's being so nice, but I like this side of Michael.
"Yeah just a bit dizzy.." I weakly smiled at him. Michael stopped walking and grabbed me by the shoulders.
"Do you need to go to the hospital? Are you going to be okay? Do you think you're going to be sick?" He was asking me loads of questions and I couldn't think straight.
"I'm fine Michael, I'll be fine."
Without warning, he bent down and picked my legs up, carrying me bridal style to his car that was parked down the road.
"Aha thankyou." I buried my face into his neck kissing it softly. Michael groaned, and put me into the passenger seat of his car. He got in and started the engine.
"So whereabouts do you live?"
This was embarrassing for me because I couldn't remember my address I just know where it was.
"I er I live two streets away from the train station, I just moved here so I can't remember it." I blushed looking down.
Michael put his hand on my thigh.
"So that's why you have an accent, I thought you came from England, you are from England right?"
"Yes Michael I am." I smiled softly at him.
"Oh just take a right here and at the end of he street a left and then my house is the first on the left." I looked out the window and then at Michaels hand on my thigh. He was being unusually nice from what I knew of him. I'm surprised he hasn't shouted at me yet.
We got to my house and I went to get out the car.
"Thankyou so much I really-" I was cut off because Michael had crashed his lips onto mine. I moved across the middle compartment (where the gear stick is and stuff) and straddled his lap. I was new to this whole kissing thing so I admit sure what to do. Michael guided my hands to his hair kissing me harder moving his hand up and down my waist and hips, occasionally squeezing. He started to lift my top up but I stopped him.
"I need to go Michael." I didn't want to go but if I stayed something would happen.
"Oh okay do you want me to come in with you?" I thought about it for a moment and to be honest I was feeling a bit sick.
"If you don't mind, I do still feel a bit dizzy."
Michael got out the car, and came round to the passenger side opening the door and picking me up. He was carrying me again. I nuzzled my face into his neck and wrapped my arms around him. Michael chuckled lightly and kissed my forehead, making me giggle.

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