Calm down

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I was lost for words when Michael asked me if I wanted to be his girlfriend. I'd never had a proper, serious boyfriend before but I absolutely adored Michael.
"Oh my gosh," I clapped my hands together, tears forming in my eyes," yes, yes Michael I'll be your girlfriend!"
Tears streamed down my face and I wrapped my arms around his neck, crying tears of happiness into his shoulder. Michael hugged me back and picked me up, twirling me around in a circle.
"Thankyou so much, I really like you Maddy." He said, placing me down.
"I really like you too Mikey." I smiled at him, intertwining our fingers.
Michael leant down and kissed me softly on the cheek. We then walked back to his car, after the most amazing night of my life.
"Are you staying tonight?" I asked Michael, after we had got onto the motorway.
"I don't know, my mum keeps freaking out because I don't really go home anymore, maybe you could stay at mine?"
I'd never met Michaels mum, so I was already feeling nervous.
"Uh okay, will your mum be okay with me staying over?" I asked anxiously.
"She should be, and if she isn't then you can still stay, we'll just keep out her way." He smiled, stroking my thigh gently.
I put my hand over his and we drove to his house,my nerves growing the closer we got.
"What if she doesn't like me I'm really nervous." I said looking over at Michael.
We had just pulled up in front of Michaels house, it was a beautiful house like a small cottage with flowers and a bird bath in the front garden. It wasn't that far away rom mine either, just twenty minutes down the road.
"It'll be fine, she's nice." He said grabbing my hand.
We walked up to the door, Michael getting out his key and quietly opening it.
"She might be asleep, it is 11 and she's got work in the morning." He whispered guiding me through the dark house. We went into what I guessed was the kitchen, it was so dark so I couldn't see but I could hear the fridge buzzing (my fridge buzzes at night so just go with it).
Michael pushed me up onto a counter and kissed me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he depend the kiss. His fingers trailed up to my hair, lightly tugging at it causing me to moan into his mouth. I reached down and started to undo Michaels shirt, us having to break the kiss so I could undo the buttons. The second his shirt was off his lips were back on mine. He reached around to the back of my dress unzipping it. I unwrapped my legs from around his waist so the dress could fall to the floor. I was so lucky I had worn my sexy underwear. It consisted of a red lacy strapless bra and a red lacy matching thong. Michael couldn't see my underwear because it was dark, so that was a downer because i wore it just for him. Michael was kissing my jawline, his hands trying to undo my bra.
"Michael, can we go upstairs, I feel a bit weird making out in your kitchen." I said giggling.
Michael didn't say a word, he grabbed my hand and dress and we literally ran through the dark house to his room. We got into his room which was dimly lit by a lamp. He hadn't looked at me yet so he hadn't seen my underwear. Michael got to the bed and turned around to kiss me. His eyes trailed up and down my almost naked body, growing darker each second.
"Holy fuck, when did you get these?" He asked, fingers lightly tracing the lace on my thong.
Goosebumps rose up all over my body from his light delicate touch.
"I uh uh got them the other week."I stuttered, my body shaking.
Michael hadn't said anything , he was too busy caressing my boobs through the bra. I let out a moan, grabbing hold of Michael's shoulders to steady me and stop me from falling. My whole body was on fire craving more of Michael's touch.
"I could do so many things to you right now,"He whispered seducively into my ear,"but my mums next door so I'm afraid you'll have to wait." He said winking.
I whined, I didn't want him to stop. I was craving his touch more and more.
"I don't want to stop." I said, lowering my head in embarrassment.
"Babe, we can stay at yours tomorrow night yeah?" He asked winking playfully.
"Okay." I said pulling one of Michael's old tshirts over my head.
"I'm so tired." I said climbing into his bed, tying my hair up.
Michael had gotten out the bed to take his trousers off, then he got back into bed and pulled me into his body.
"I am too, did you have a good time tonight, you looked absolutely stunning."
"I had a great time, thankyou." I yawned, kissing Michael's hand.
"My favourite part was when we got back here."
I giggled at Michael's dirty comment, enjoying hearing his deep laugh against my head. I snuggled down into the duvet, feeling Michael's arms loosen their grip around my waist, signalling that he had fallen asleep. Tonight had been the best ever and I could proudly say that I was Michael Clifford's girlfriend. I laid awake for a while thinking about what sort of direction my life would go in during the next couple of years. I couldn't wait for the tour in a few months, it meant I would get to see Michael for two months non stop. I really couldn't wait to see the other boys either, I hadn't really seen them since the incident at the cafe, the first time that I had met Michael. It was crazy to think that a few months ago I didn't even know this amazing boy. I fell asleep to the thought of Michael and me in the future.
"Babe come here!" Michael shouted, beckoning me over with his arms.
I ran to him, through the small area backstage. Michael would be on soon and I needed to give him a kiss for good luck.
I was stood watching him perform with his band mates, genuinely having a great time. It was the first day of their tour, and them being one directions support act. I was so proud of all of them. Out of nowhere a bullet was fired and an eruption of screams could be heard from all around the arena. I was so shocked and I was trying to find out who had been shot. I looked around frantically and I could see that the boys were crowded around on the stage with their hands in the air (like when people get arrested). However Michael wasn't with them. I carefully peered up into the stage, even though we were all supposed to be on the ground (idk if that's right soz) and Michael was laid with blood gushing out his head. He had been shot. I looked in the direction of where the bullet had been fired and there he stood. My dad.
*end of dream*
"Maddy wake up!"
I could feel someone shaking my shoulders, prying me from my sleep. I opened my eyes and Michael was straddling me, holding my shoulders wiping tears off my face with his thumb.
"Baby are you okay, I think you had a bad dream." He asked, hugging me to his chest.
It was just a dream.
"I thought you had been shot." I cried, I was in hysterics and I couldn't control my sobs.
"Hey, hey calm down babe it's okay I'm here you're okay calm down." He spoke softly to me.
"My dad shot you, it felt so real Mikey." I cried.
"You're dad isn't here I'm here okay, I'm fine it's okay." He said, in the softest voice, attempting to calm me down.
"Take deep breaths." He said rubbing my back caringly.
"I'm sorry I woke you up." I said after a few minutes of silence. I had calmed down now.
"It's fine, do y want to tell me more about what happened.
I told Michael how I was at the show and how he was on stage and then my dad shot him in the head.
"That won't happen, I promise it won't, the security is really strict, it would be impossible for that to happen." He said, wiping away a few tears and kissing my head.
"Can we go back to sleep?" I asked.
I looked at the clock and it was 4 in the morning.
"Of course we can, come here."
I cuddled into Michael's chest and wrapped my arms around him, drifting into sleep.

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