Save you

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*Text from Shinichiro*

Shinichiro: “Hey, you can come over my shop now.”

You: “Okay, I will be there in a little bit.”

Shinichiro: “Okay, see Ya later!”

M/n closed his flip-phone, he looked over at his clock.

“So, it’s 9:45.” M/n sat up from his bed. M/n changed into comfortable clothes, he grabbed his phone and his gift for Mikey.

He had bought Mikey a black shirt, snacks, and a bracelet. He quickly ran out his bedroom door and walked over to a specific motel room. M/n knocked on the door, he waited for a while and knocked again.

“Hold on, give me a second!” a voice was heard coming from the inside of the room. Footsteps could be heard getting closer to the door.

A ‘click’ sound was heard, the door then opened revealing a tired Aya.

“What is it kid?” Aya leaned against the door with a cigarette in her mouth.

“I need you to cover for me while I sneak out for a while.” M/n said.
Aya grumbled, “Come in for a second.”


“So, if you want to sneak out you can’t be so careless. “Aya leaned against the kitchen counter.

“I will be fine; I've done this before.” M/n rolled his eyes.

“And when Naoki found out you were grounded for a week, so I will help you.”
Aya smiled at the H/c haired boy. The older female walked over to a desk; she pulled out a key.

She walked over to the boy and handed him the key.

“This key leads to 207 room, unlock the window and jump from there.” Aya said calmly.

M/n’s jaw dropped, “Are you trying to kill me, that is the 4th floor!”

Aya smiled, “Don’t worry, you can trust me just jump!”

M/n looked at Aya like she was insane, which she was. M/n was doing the math in his head and knew that if he jumped, he would die from the impact. But what does he have to lose, his life maybe, but who knows.

M/n had unlocked the window and he was looking over the edge of the window.

He shivered at the thought of jumping but it was too late to back away. He swung his legs over the wide window, he leaned forward and jumped.

He was about to hit the ground but then the back of his shirt was grabbed.
He looked up and saw Aya. She was wearing  a white sports bra and black long pants. she had ab’s AND MUSCELS?!
M/n looked at the older woman speechless, but she just laughed.

“What didn’t think a 26-year-old woman could carry you?” Aya placed the boy down.

M/n had sparkles in his eyes, “So you’re not an old weak hag!”

Aya hit the boy on the back of the head, “Go and run off, I did my part.”
M/n smiled and ran yelling, “Thank you Mom!”

M/n didn’t seem to notice what he had said but Aya did. She stared at the running boy; her eyes began to fill up with tears. Aya could feel her legs become weak, she remembered the moment when her life changed.

Aya’s flashback
19-year-old Aya smiled excitedly with her new husband. She was walking with him; she placed a hand on her stomach.

“Darling what do you think the baby’s gender will be?” Aya placed her other hand near her hair.

“It doesn’t matter to me; I just want this baby to look like my beautiful wife!” The male grabbed her hand and kissed it.

Aya blushed and giggled at her husband, suddenly she felt a harsh pain in her stomach.

“A-Ahhh!” Aya screamed.

“A-Aya, are you okay, what’s wrong?!” The male grabbed the woman's waist.

People started to surround them; people started to call 911 while others tried to help the screaming woman.

“T-The baby!” Aya screamed


“I’m sorry Mrs. And Mr. Sato but your baby died, a disease spread to your stomach and infected the baby.”

( Tokyo Revengers x Male Reader) DISCONNECTED/REWRITTEN Where stories live. Discover now