Family lies- Chapter 1

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"M/n dear, me and your father have to tell you something."
A mother with long H/c hair kneeled to her son's height.

"Me and your father are going to go away for some time, and you will be going to my friend's motel for a little while," the woman pulled the young boy into a hug.

"Where are you going mother?"
The young boy pulled away from the hug, he looked up at his father digging for something in his bag.

"Me and your mother are going somewhere 'special', and we need you to stay here."
The older male grabbed the boy's hand and placed his hand on the boy's.

"But, before we leave, you're going to get a tattoo on your hand to symbolize our family."
The boy's eyes gazed at his father's green eyes.

"Will it hurt father?"
The boy looked at his father with a hint of fear in his eyes.
"You must be strong M/n, now let's go."

A buzzing sound echoed through the room.
"it's almost done kid, just wait a little bit." The tattoo artist told M/n.
M/n eyes twitched at the pain; he bit his lower lip, trying not to make a sound.

"done," the tattoo artist stood up, "what do you think kid?"

M/n looked down at his arm, he felt relieved for multiple reasons

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M/n looked down at his arm, he felt relieved for multiple reasons. He was glad that the pain was over, and the tattoo was good looking.

"I'm going to talk to your parents for a little while, you can wait here."
The tattoo artist walked out of the room. M/n started to drift off into sleep, he was tired from the pain from earlier.

The streetlights shined in the cold winter air. A black car drove through the empty streets, the tinted windows shined from the streetlights.

"Are you sure this is the only way we can protect him, Isamu?" M/n's mother questioned the father.

"We don't want him finding M/n, M/n is our only child, and we can't let him get stuck in our problems," Isamu responded to the woman, "We already talked about this Ayame, you should know this by now."

Ayame looked over at her sleeping child; he was leaning against the door.

"But what if they send out people to find M/n?" Ayame looked back at her husband.

"Once we get to Naoki's motel, we will talk about further details but until then we will wait."
Isamu started to count some money, Ayame looked outside the tinted windows.

M/n Pov:
Everything was dark
No lights

No doors

No way out

I looked around hoping to spot some sign of an exit.

But then, I spotted a teenager
He was wearing a white shirt and black pants.
He had black eyes and black hair.
He had a sweatshirt around his waist and was sitting on the ground.
He had a motorcycle Infront of him.
Then, his image started to fade away.

I walked forward and noticed two figures in a shop.
I quickly walked over to see their faces.
One had a Tiger tattoo and yellow eyes, while the other one had black hair, brown eyes, and a sharp smile.
They started to break the chains on the bike, I guess they are stealing the bike.

I turned my head and saw a calendrer, the date was August 14, 2003.
Eh? I thought today's date was the 3rd?
I looked back at the two boys and noticed one was missing.

I looked back and saw the teen from earlier.

"What do we got here...? A Thief?" the teen said.

He had a wrench in his hands, why was I seeing this vision?
Everything started to disappear for a second then suddenly I heard a thud.
My vision came back, and the teen was lying on the ground, blood rushing out of his head.

I kneeled and touched his neck; sirens could be heard from the distance.
I started to feel his pulse slow down.

"M/n wake up"

"M/n, dear wake up."

Second POV:

You slowly rose from your position.
"M/n get up we are at the motel." My father shook my shoulder gently.

You opened your door and slammed it shut. You walk towards the motel; cigarettes can be smelled from the room. It didn't bother you because you were used to the smell.

"Naoki said to meet him in his room." your mother and father walked ahead of you.

"M/n stay here, we are going to talk to Naoki." Your mother pointed to the chair, signaling for you to take a seat.

'I wonder why I had that vision, was it a sign or just a dream' you quietly thought to yourself why you have been having these visions or dreams.

You got bored and decided to walk around a little bit.

You were about to finish your walk until you heard auguring. It was your parents and Naoki; you are the curios kid you were. You put your face next to the door of the room.

"We can't let him discover M/n!" Your father yelled

"And it's most likely that M/n will be safer here with you, Naoki." Your mother quietly said.

"Alright, Alright, I will watch over M/n for you," Naoki said with an annoyed tone, "But, how will you tell M/n you will be basically abandoning him, I mean what if you two die while trying to get rid of the leader of that gang?" Naoki said with a softer tone.

You couldn't believe what you just heard. Your parents are going to leave you and they're going somewhere dangerous!

"We will have to lie to him, tell him we are going on 'vacation' and it will be a while when we return." father's footsteps came closer to the door, you were about to panic until Naoki asked him a question.

"That answer won't last long; he is a smart kid and will figure it out eventually."

"Then just ignore his questions, he will stop when he knows he won't get answers." Mother walked near the door.

You quickly and quietly ran back to the room you were originally in.

"M/n dear can you come here for a moment; we need to talk." Your mother came around the corner.

3rd person POV:

M/n was sitting on the couch, he already could guess what they were going to say.

"M/n, me and your mother will be going on vacation for a while, you will have to stay with Naoki for a while."
M/n acted surprised; he nodded his head in agreement.

"Don't worry M/n, we will be back for you." The crying mother pulled M/n up and into a hug. Her tears soaked into M/n's shirt.

"Isamu, Ayame, your flight will be going soon." Naoki interrupted the silence.

Isamu and Ayame stopped hugging M/n and headed to the exit. M/n walked to the car with them and grabbed his bag. M/n's parents entered the car, the young boy waved them goodbye.

"N/n lets head inside; I will show you your room." Naoki ruffled the young boy's hair.

( Hey!! I don't always get a good start on the first few chapters but I will try my best to make this interesting!)

( and if this chapter is bad just tell me and I will redo it!)

A teaser for next chapt:
" Oi someone stop that rat!" One of the store employees yelled.

A boy with H/c and with black pants with a grey hoodie was dodging every person trying to stop him.

I ran infront of him, hoping that I could catch this kid.

" it's you." The h/c boy quietly whispered while running past me.

( Tokyo Revengers x Male Reader) DISCONNECTED/REWRITTEN Where stories live. Discover now