New vision?

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(Not edited so sorry if there are spelling errors and sorry short chapter)

I could slit all their throats right now, and no one could stop me. I would have to take out Draken and Mikey since they are the strongest then the rest would be easy. I started to get lost in my thoughts that I did not realize I was giving Takemitchi a death stare. But I could follow Takemitchi home and kill him.

"M-M/n-Kun...are you o-okay?" I soon backed out of my glare. Is Takemitchi really scared of me, how rude. I should just beat him up right now but that is too much work. I turned my attention towards the rest of the group kicking a ball around. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned my head around to see Hina and Emma.

"Oh Hi, what are you two doing here?" Hina was not speaking up, but Emma giggled. "Hina is too nervous to ask Takemichi to go to the festival with her." Emma placed her hands on Hina's shoulders. I was confused, why would she be nervous to ask her boyfriend out? I have not gotten asked out yet, I am going to be single for the rest of my life.

"Hina, he is your boyfriend you should just go ask him out. If he says no, then you can just go with me and Emma." I smiled, I noticed Hina's face turned red. "Sorry N/n but I'm going with Draken." I felt betrayed, I was going to protest but the two girls were already walking away. I watched as Hina and Emma asked out their crushes/ boyfriends. I could ask Baji or Mitsuya, but Mitsuya might go with his sisters and Baji has homework to finish. At this point I might as well go alone; I should get some rest though.

I say my goodbyes to the others and walk my way home. It was nice out, but it is supposed to rain later in the day. The rain will ruin the festival, but it will still be fun. I hope nothing happens...



"Peh, couldn't agree with what went down could you...?"

"Hey asshole! What are you doing with Moebius?!"

"I oversee Moebius now, for the least moment. My name is Hanma."

"Take on Mikey and Draken, capture Info-Chan for me too! ♥"


M/n's head flung forward; his breathing was uneven. His eyes were wide open and teary. His hands were gripping and ripping his blanket. So many thoughts were racing through his head. He swung his head towards the clock.

'Was that...another vision? I have not had one in years! Why is it showing up now? I need to get to the festival.' M/n lunged out of his bed quickly putting on his shoes, grabbing his keys, and phone. While he ran to his bike he fell to the ground.


The voice flashed through M/n's head, he quickly got up and turned on his bike.

"I'm not even a part of this gang so why am I even helping?"


Blood dripped from Draken's head as his body shifted. Takemitchi's mouth was wide open with his eyes almost popping out of his. 100 men in white uniforms stood in front of the toman members. Mitsuya glared at the rest of the standing Moebius members; some were laying on the ground or struggling to get up. Suddenly a member came running at Mitsuya with a bat, but before the bat could contact him a flying kick hit the member's face.

"Who the hell!?"

"It's that info guy!"

The toman members looked behind them, "N/n, what are you doing here?!" Takemitchi was confused on how M/n was there. He thought M/n was not going to the festival, so how would he be here? M/n looked towards the sitting bleeding Draken, "Looks like I'm going to win the bet, lizard head." Draken smirked and laughed, "This injury isn't going to kill me."

A sound echoed through the parking lot, Mitsuya, Draken, and M/n smiled recognizing the sound of the raging engine. Soon enough, Mikey and his bike came to a halt in front of the men. Mikey's hair covered some parts of his face while his eyes glared at the Moebius members.

"M-Mikey-Kun!" Takemichi


Sorry, this is a short chapter. I have just been trying to finish schoolwork and I have a few tests coming up. I will try to update more often. 

🤭💍 I wanna marry him-

🤭💍 I wanna marry him-

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"M/n L/n . . . I guess I'm your &@#^#^@^#"




" I'll get rid of that tattoo for you first, then I will see you."

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