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(Short chapter, sorry I have to go Christmas shopping!)

(Happy Holidays!)

Emma and M/n were shopping in the mall, M/n was forced to come as punishment. The reason for this punishment is because M/n forgot to buy her nail polish. He sighed at the shopping spear Emma. The nervous male could already imagine his bank account going broke. He followed Emma around; it was more of M/n being dragged than following.

"N/n, I want you to try some clothes!" Emma pushed a pile of clothes in his arms and pushed him into the changing room. M/n walked into an empty stall, he quickly looked through the pile of clothes Emma chose. Some of the clothes were good, he quickly changed into a few outfits. He showed a few to Emma, when he went back into the stall; Emma would let out small squeals. Once he finished, he walked out of the stall.

Emma turned her head looking back at something, "I'll be right back N/n, I have to grab something!"

The blonde girl ran off leaving M/n and a cart of clothes. He sighed and leaned against the cart, his eye's explored the store he was in. It was a fancy store; it was too. Emma came running towards M/n with multiple perfume bottles. M/n did not know why he agreed to come to the mall with Emma knowing she would spend every penny on his card. The duo paid for their items and began to exit the store.

"N/n I was thinking we could go to the food court to get some tasty food!" Emma swung her bags.

M/n giggled at how childish Emma was acting, while they were walking there was a stranger running. The stranger looked behind them, they did not notice they were about to crash into someone. Their heads collided with a stranger's back. They fell to the ground dropping their items. M/n looked behind him, he saw the person sitting on the ground.

"Oh, are you okay here let me help you." M/n bent down helping the stranger. M/n reached for the candy bar, but the stranger's hand went for the bar as well. M/n's hand accidentally moved the sleeve that covered the mysterious person's hand. M/n's eyes shot open, it was a tattoo, the same tattoo that he had. The same tattoo father and mother made him get.

M/n was so shocked he did not realize Emma grabbing his shoulder. The stranger noticed M/n's surprised look, they quickly got up and ran away.

"N/n, N/n, hey are you okay?!" Emma helped M/n up.

"Y-yeah, I just think I knew that person."


M/n dropped Emma off at her house, he made sure she got inside safely then drove his way back home. He finally arrived at the hotel; he plopped on the bed. He felt a pit in his stomach, something felt weird. He looked around his room, but everything looked normal. Suddenly, his phone rang, its rings filled his empty room. He grabbed his phone and opened it; he placed the phone next to his ear.


"N/n-chin, can you go visit hospital." Mikey's voice sounded rough.

"What's going on?"

"Pah-chin got arrested..."

(Small time skip)

M/n stood outside of the hospital; he was still shocked by the news of Pah-Chin. He did not know him as well as Mikey, but he still liked him. He saw him as a type of brother figure. He sighed; the h/c haired teen slid the door open. He heard commotion coming from one of the beds. He saw Hina gripping the curtain that separated the room. He quietly walked next to Hina; she did not seem to notice her.

"What's going on Hina, why are you-"

M/n looked at what Hina was looking at, he saw Takemitchi pushing Emma's head down on his...lower part. M/n's soul left his body, he could not believe what he was seeing. He knew Emma wanted to be an adult but not like this! M/n snapped back to reality, he grabbed Emma's should and pulled her away.

"You disgust me Takemitchi..."




While the two argued, Hina grabbed Emma and walked out of the room. The room went silent, M/n sighed loudly and took a seat in a nearby chair. Takemitchi looked like he wanted to ask something, but he was hesitant. M/n looked to the beat-up blonde-hair boy. Takemitchi breathed in and out, he raised his head towards M/n.

"M/ you believe in time travel?"

This question caught M/n off guard, "Hm, I don't believe in time travel, but I believe in other things."

Takemitchi was sweating, he looked like he was about to pass out again.

"BUT that is for later, I gotta go and meet up with friends! Cya Crybaby!"

(919 words)



Izana: I miss N/n

Kakucho: Izana, that's your 107th time saying you miss him.

Izana: shut up, is it a crime to have the urge to just kidnap him and force him to be my boyfriend?!


Izana: Get out of room, I need to change.

*Kakucho walks out*

*Izana takes photo out of M/n*

"He will be mine..." 

( Tokyo Revengers x Male Reader) DISCONNECTED/REWRITTEN Where stories live. Discover now