chapter two

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"harry, you really need to stop this" louis spoke, anyone could tell he was genuinely concerned about his best friend.

"stop what?" harry replied, not looking up from his phone. his voice sounded monotoned. he barely spoke to anyone with a tone anymore, he always sounded like a computer now.

"this. you with this fake twitter. it's messed up, man. think of how miranda would feel if she found out. and you're basically tricking our fans! you talk to them and pretend you're someone that you're not. why can't you just tell them that you are harry styles? they would be ecstatic."

harry took these words in, and tried to process them. he hadn't thought about the fact that he had lied to miranda, one of his closest friends now. could he even consider her a friend? yes he could, he thought. he hadn't lied to her. he had just..twisted a few things about who he really was. but everything else that he told her was true.

"louis, do you realize that if i told them all now, after almost a year of talking, that i was harry styles they would even believe me? and imagine how upset they would be too. i mean sure, they might be excited and all, but i've told them so many...twists about myself that even me being me they would probably still get mad" he replied, sounding genuinely confused because, what was he going to do now?

louis just sighed, giving up. he had done that a lot these days. harry never listened to anybody now, just miranda. he was completely whipped.

louis got up, leaving harry alone in the back of the tour bus. harry lied down in his bunk, thinking about everything that's happened. while thinking, he got a message that he really hoped was a joke.


the message was from miranda. she was coming to see them in los angeles, and she didn't even know that she had been talking to her favorite band member for almost a year now. harry loved the fact that he was her favorite, so he would always put the word 'favorite' down right beside member when describing himself.

after he asked her everything about it and congratulated her, he wondered what he was going to do. he was going to meet miranda. of course she didn't know she was meeting her internet best friend the same time that she was meeting her favorite band member, which made harry a bit upset, but he wouldn't admit that to anyone.

the meet and greet that she got tickets to was only a week away, one week. seven days until he got to see her for real. miranda had many pictures of herself on her twitter, so harry figured he would be able to recognize her when he saw her. harry of course, only had that one picture of some guy on his page. and if anyone asked what he looked like, he would just use that picture.

harry wished that he could just tell miranda about everything, but he also didn't want to. what if she got mad and decided to stop talking to him? what if she posted about it, exposing him, harry styles, as a giant liar? that wouldn't settle with the media and his management team. harry was physically sick to his stomach as he thought about everything that he's done.

he had kept so many secrets from his so called 'best friend' , how could he even call her his best friend if their friendship was based off a lie? harry decided to get rid of that thought and just think about one thing. he was meeting his best friend, even if she didn't know he was her best friend.

he decided to log off of his 'amusement' account and go on his regular one. he hadn't been on it for a while, almost a month actually. he decided to post a tweet, thanking the fans for everything, because he really was grateful to have them. he followed all of the people that he talked to on his other account, including miranda since he figured he should probably do something nice for her. he could already see miranda messaging him about it.

he scrolled through random tweets, most of them being spam, as usual. this account really was boring now. he checked the time realizing he should probably start getting ready to perform with the boys. as he thought about that, he realized. where were the boys?

as harry walked through the tour bus he sighed angrily. they really left him on the bus by himself. he called niall as he sat down harshly on a chair in front of the television.

niall didn't answer so he called three more times before he accepted that no, niall wasn't answering anytime soon. so he resorted to calling louis, and he too did not answer. liam was his last hope. after two rings, liam answered and harry silently thanked him.

"hello?" he heard as liam answered.
"guys, where did you all go? you left me here alone!" harry replied. he couldn't believe liam was acting as if they didn't just do that. liam sighed as harry could hear the other lads in the background mumbling with him until liam continued talking on the phone as he said, "we're on our way back", and harry could just faintly hear niall's accent shout "no we're not!".

he hoped niall was joking, although from what he could hear he didn't sound very happy. after 30 minutes passed by, yes he did count, he finally heard the tour bus door open as liam walked in, followed by a stressed out looking louis and niall. harry just smiled at them, showing off his perfectly straight teeth and his deep dimples, as the other boys just gave him a little glare. besides liam who faintly smiled at him. clearly, liam was the only one that didn't act like a little kid when arguing with someone.

they all sat down in silence for a minute before liam spoke up, obviously. "so, harry. the boys and i had a little talk earlier and uh, well we all think that this-" harry had had enough. "listen, if one more person tries to tell me that this account is wrong and that i should delete it, i will walk out of this bus". he spoke trying to stay calm.

"we're just worried about you, mate." louis finally spoke up. "well, stop worrying! it's none of your business what i do in my free time and if i want to make an account and interact with fans without them knowing, then i will" harry replied.

"harry, lad we understand that. but you're lying to them. you literally got a picture of some random guy off of the internet and said that it was you. you can't just do shit like that!" niall spoke this time.

"well what was i supposed to do? use a picture of a plant?" harry replied sarcastically. "you know what, screw this honestly. just stop. i'm not fighting with you guys. please just stop worrying. it's my business, not yours."

they all nodded, deciding to just stop bothering him about it. besides, what the fans don't know won't hurt them, right?
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