chapter six

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harry's pov

harry had been freaking out for the past half hour now and this made him decide to change his phone number. wasn't too complicated, all he had to do was call the phone company and voilà!

once harry had his new number, he felt a bit more safe. but he still had that watchful feeling everywhere he went. it was like somebody was following him but he couldn't see them. harry did not like it at all.

he hadn't talked to miranda in a while now, and he wasn't going to lie, he missed her. he missed his whole account really. whoever this was had deleted his whole account. he hadn't really bothered creating a new one, considering if this person was texting him and watching him, they could just hack his new account and repeat the cycle.

harry decided to just hang out with the boys and get his mind off of everything.

the concert was starting soon so after talking to the boys for a while, they started getting ready. concerts always seemed to relax harry. it might be loud, but harry loved it. he loved being able to see the fans. he loved singing. he just loved it all.

he was truly himself when he was on stage.

"harreh, how are ya doin' mate? you look stressed and exhausted" he heard niall say to him as he walked beside him.

harry shrugged, only thinking about the concert. niall just nodded, knowing how harry would get.

they all were dancing around behind the stage as they waited for the intro video to end. after finishing laughing about one of harry's stupidly funny jokes, he got another text from that blocked number. he would do anything to stop this.

he couldn't tell anyone because then they would just tell him how right they were.

maybe harry should have listened before making a fake account. and yes, he is owning up to it now.

harry read the text, sighing. he was used to the person saying stuff about his secret by now. but one thing caught his eye. another text popped up as he read,

"watch your back"

he had no clue what that meant. but he kept his eyes open just in case it meant something too important to ignore. he would usually delete the texts and ignore them, but now he thinks he should probably listen.

the intro video ended as the boys walked out from behind the stage and cheers erupted.

they sang their usual set list, until it got to mid point of the concert and the boys got to change quickly.

they all changed and ran on stage, but as harry walked out last, cheers erupted but died down very quickly. that never happened, what was going on? why was everything so quiet?

he kept walking to the end of the catwalk as the beginning of one of their songs started playing.

liam quickly ran up to harry as louis' solo came on.

"mate, what did you do to your shirt?" liam asked, sounding panicked.

harry looked confused as liam took a picture and showed it to him. harry looked at it before realizing his shirt was covered in stains that looked a bit like blood and there was writing on his back that read,

"i hate you all"

harry's jaw dropped as he scanned the faces of the crowd, each and every person sitting near them looked disappointed in him. harry felt dizzy as he remembered the text from earlier.

he quickly told louis to take his solos before running off the stage, feeling nauseous.

harry felt like he couldn't breathe. how could this person have touched his clothing? were they in their dressing room?

he sat against the wall, running his hands through his hair. he hated how disappointed the fans looked. he knew there were pictures taken. he knew they would be posted. and he knew he would get hate for it. just another detail to support the argument that everyone uses saying that the boys "hate their fans", except this time the detail was real proof.

it wasn't a photoshopped picture of harry being rude to fans, and it wasn't an edit of niall saying he hated fans. this time, it was real and the fans most likely think it's true now.

he already knew management was going to scream at him for this one. even if he told them it wasn't his fault, it wouldn't matter to them.

harry changed his shirt as he tried to control his breathing. his phone started notifying him that he had messages and he was too scared to check.

he finally decided to read them as he picked up his phone, realizing they were from that stupid blocked number.

"hello harry. did you enjoy my little surprise?"

"it was marvelous getting to see your face when you realized what everyone was staring at" and a picture of harry on stage was attached. the picture looked like it was taken from behind the side of the stage.

harry was beyond scared as more pictures of him were sent and they were taken just now, of him reading the messages. he quickly threw his phone at the wall in fear as he started pacing.

"please stop!" he shouted to whoever was there. it was clear that they were very close to him. the pictures looked as if they were taken from not even fifteen feet away. he just couldn't see anybody.

he could hear his phone beeping uncontrollably from where it was on the floor, with a small crack on the top. he felt nauseuous again as he started throwing up right on the spot, and crying at the same time.

the concert ended sharply as all three boys ran towards the dressing room, seeing harry curled in a ball on the couch crying, with throw up on the floor near him.

they all quickly ran over trying to soothe him as he cried more.

"don't look at me!" he spoke in a loud voice, "please".

"haz, we want to help you. what's going on?" liam spoke sadly.

"g-go away! please just go away!" harry's muffled voice replied.

"harry, we are not leaving you here. let us help you" louis spoke this time.

"no! go away! please just please go away. don't look at me like that! i'm disgusting! i've let everyone down, please don't look at me." harry was begging and crying at this point.

the boys sighed as niall and liam left. louis however wouldn't leave. he wasn't going to leave his best friend like this.

harry heard the footsteps so he figured the boys were gone, and started heaving and sobbing. he suddenly felt a body next to him on the couch, wrap their arms around him. harry relaxed as he realized it was just louis.

"harry, please let me help you. what happened out there? did you do that to your shirt?" louis asked while holding harry.

"n-no! i would never write that! it's not true, it's not true, it's not true. please believe me!" harry looked up this time, his eyes watery and red.

louis nodded, "i believe you, i believe you. let's go back to the bus. i think you need some sleep." harry didn't even bother anymore. he simply walked out towards the bus with louis behind him.

before louis could walk completely out, he heard a phone going off in the corner of the room. he turned around as he spotted what looked like harry's phone lying on the floor.

he picked it up seeing many new messages from an unknown number. it was all pictures of harry, and even some of louis and harry.

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