chapter nine

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harry woke up later that morning along with niall as they both just laid there for a while. it was until a nurse came in to check on them they then started to talk.

"harry? are you okay?" niall asked in a soft voice from his side of the room

he didn't really know the answer to that. all of these voices were going through his head. everything was his fault. if he hadn't made that stupid fake account, none of this would have happened.

"i'm fine" harry spoke while staring at the ceiling. niall left him alone.

the nurses told them they could leave later that day after their guards signed them off, but harry didn't really know if he wanted to leave. he still thought he was crazy. maybe he needed help.

harry got up and took a quick shower before changing into actual clothes, instead of a hospital gown. he wasn't really sure who changed him, most likely a nurse.

after getting dressed he walked out of the room and to the cafeteria. he could really use a cup of tea. not to his surprise, he saw louis getting the same. he called him over as louis nodded before bringing two cups of tea over.

they both sat in an uncomfortable silence before louis spoke,
"harry. niall texted me and told me about what happened early this morning, so don't try to talk to me with that bullshit i'm fine stuff. it's not going to work. now, will you please just explain to me what's going on?"

harry figured niall would tell the other boys, he just didn't think he would have to explain himself so soon.

he sighed before isolating himself again, "there's nothing going on. everything is fine now"

louis gave an annoyed grunt before pulling out his phone. he went to his photo gallery as he showed harry screenshots of messages from the familiar blocked number.

"if everything is so peachy, why is there a random number sending you pictures of us that look like they were taken by someone that was right in front of us?" louis spoke angrily. harry used to tell him everything. what had changed?

harry bit his lip debating whether or not to tell the truth or to make up an excuse. he chose the first choice considering louis wouldn't stop nagging him until he found out the truth.

harry started from the beginning and told him everything. he didn't miss one little detail, and louis didn't miss the crack in Harry's voice signaling that he was about to cry. and he did. he sobbed and he broke down because well, he was scared.

louis listened all the way to the end and he pulled harry into a hug whispering comforting things into his ear trying to tell him it was okay, but truthfully he didn't know if it was going to be.

they just sat in the cafeteria, the two hugging next to a table with two cold cups of tea. one boy a sobbing mess while the other was a scared mess, just not showing it.

niall walked down to the cafeteria spotting the two boys and raising an eyebrow.

he looked at louis considering Harry's head was tucked into his chest and louis was blankly staring ahead.

"what's going on?" niall mouthed to louis but got no reply. he sighed as louis just continued to stare ahead.

niall waved his arm in front of louis' line of vision until the lad finally jumped a bit realizing niall was standing there.

niall mouthed the same phrase from earlier as louis gave him a look as if saying "i'll explain later".

niall just nodded before looking around. harry had fallen asleep on louis but the older lad didn't seem to mind. niall just sat down next to the two before speaking,

"hey, how's Liam doing?"

louis just looked at him confused before replying, "why are you asking me? i thought he was with you guys?" niall just shook his head slowly before pulling out his phone.

he shot out two texts, one to liam asking where he was and if he was okay, and one to their guards asking if they had seen liam.

louis and niall chatted for a bit before he got a reply that he wasn't expecting,

"liam still hasn't been found"

sorry for the long wait for this update. I've been at camp for the past two weeks but I didn't go today bc I don't feel well so I'll try to update again!

thank you guys for taking the time to read this story!

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