chapter eight

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harry woke up and quickly shot up. he took in his surroundings as he realized he was in a hospital, with niall laying in the bed next to him. why was he here?

he laid back down remembering some of the events that had occurred before. they had gotten taken away by their "driver". he was surprised to say the least. how could their guards not realize that they were getting in the car with a random guy that didn't work for them?

he checked his pockets for his phone so he could check the time before realizing it wasn't in his pocket. he sighed, searching for a clock before coming to the conclusion that there wasn't one. he looked out the window realizing it was still dark out.

he turned his head to look at niall, spotting a phone peeking out from under his leg. he stood up before softly grabbing it and rushing back to his bed before niall woke up.

he turned it on in search of the time but immediately heard the sound of a text message notification going off many times.

harry quickly shut the ringer off before looking at niall to make sure he wasn't awake. he turned back to niall's phone scrolling through as he read messages from their guards and from a blocked number.

he replied to the guards saying it was harry and saying that he was fine and that they were safe before reading the messages from the other number.

"harry harry harry, snooping through niall's phone?"

"tsk tsk, a boy like you should know his manners"

harry's eyes widened as he realized what number it was. he wished he could reply and just fucking ask who it was, but he didn't expect them to answer if he did.

"stop widening your eyes, if you widen then any more they'll fall out of your head"

harry gulped before looking up in search of anybody. tears slowly trickled down his face in fear as he couldn't find anyone. "please just tell me who you are!" he shouted, not caring about waking anyone up anymore.

"stop shouting or i'll come out there and get someone to kidnap you...again"

harry's head snapped up as he desperately looked around. how could somebody be this evil? he started sobbing as niall woke up quickly.

"harry, lad? what's wrong?" niall spoke in a deep voice from just waking up.

"niall! text messages! please help" harry spoke in between sobs.

niall looked at harry with soft eyes as he tried to understand. "text messages.." niall spoke confused until he found his phone in harry's lap. he picked it up looking for what harry was talking about.

"what are you talking about harry? there's just text messages from our guards on here. did they say something bad?" niall spoke with a confused tone once again.

harry's jaw dropped as he took the phone.
"n-no! there were more! it was a b-blocked number please believe me!" harry cried.

niall looked at him concerned, "harry you should sleep"

harry looked at him shocked, "how can you tell me to sleep if there's a person in our room watching me?"

niall just shook his head, figuring harry was going crazy from the earlier events. "shh there's nobody here. just go to sleep"

harry himself had started to think he was going crazy, so he took niall's word and went to sleep.

if he only stuck with his gut maybe the events later on wouldn't have happened..

sorry for the extremely short update! i'm going to double update to make up for it though.

i'm trying to update as much as possible but i start camp tomorrow for a month so i'll try my best.

comment. follow. vote. (please!)


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