chapter five

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it was currently 3:27 am and harry should probably be sleeping considering he has to get up at 8:00. he was currently laying down in his bunk, tossing and turning. the other boys were fast asleep, liam and niall's bunk being across from him and louis directly under harry.

there was a small window between the bunks, in which the moonlight was glimmering through. harry decided to just sit and look out the window. all that could be heard was the faint sound of liam snoring, and the other boys' peaceful breathing, it sounded almost like a rhythm. the stars surrounded the moon almost like a family. he turned onto his back as he stared at the ceiling, noting every little detail until he decided that even though he was exhausted, he was not going to fall asleep anytime soon.

he rolled over, meaning to turn onto his side but ended up rolling off of his bunk and onto the hard floor. he groaned as he stood up slowly, watching as niall slowly opened his eyes before busting out a laugh as he took note of what was happening.

"oh shut up niall" harry replied still in pain.

niall immediately went quiet as he noticed harry was in a bad mood. harry started walking towards the kitchen area as he heard niall whispering to the other boys as he heard liam chuckle and louis telling them to go to sleep.

harry sat on the counter, his thoughts filling his mind. every little thing that had happened during his life seemed to worry him now. he was worried about stuff that had happened five years ago, stuff that happened five minutes ago, and stuff that was probably going to happen.

he drank a glass of water as he stared blankly ahead until he heard light footsteps walking towards the kitchen.

"haz? are you alright?" he heard louis' soft voice ask, still laced with sleep.

he shrugged, not really knowing at this point as louis sat next to him on the counter. "you know you can talk to me. i'll listen to ya" louis spoke sincerely as he looked at his best friend, he felt as if he was watching his best friend crumble before him. he wanted to do something to help, anything.

harry just shrugged once again. louis sighed as he did this. harry looked up after a couple of minutes to check if louis was still there, realizing that he was in fact still there, and louis' eyes were starting to droop.

"lou, you don't have to stay up for me. you need sleep" harry replied, almost monotoned besides the slight genuine tone behind it.

"and y-you need sleep too" louis replied stuttering as he forced himself to stay awake.

harry just shook his head as he watched louis' eyes close and then snap open since louis didn't want to sleep.

harry agreed to "go to sleep", even though he knew he really wasn't. he just wanted louis to go to bed and then he would probably end up going back to the kitchen area. louis sighed in content, believing that harry would sleep, and since he could finally go to sleep himself.

he watched as louis stared at him, clearly waiting for harry to walk back to their bunk. harry just stared back at him as louis raised an eyebrow, causing harry to sigh before trudging back to their bunk.

louis sleepily smiled with content as he followed behind. he knew what harry was going to do. he wasn't stupid. he would try to walk back out there and just drown in his own misery instead of sleeping, which he actually needed to do because they were busy the following day.

louis watched harry climb to his top bunk quietly as louis laid down in his lower bunk. louis couldn't go to sleep until he knew that harry was getting some rest, so he really hoped he would go to bed soon.

he could hear harry rolling around trying to sleep until he finally heard a sigh. harry hadn't heard the regular sound of louis' snores that he would hear almost every single night, so he figured louis couldn't sleep either.

"lou? are you awake?"

"no. i have this ability to reply to people while i'm asleep. cool, right?" louis replied, his words laced with sarcasm.

"oh, sorry." harry replied noting that louis was in fact tired and cranky.

"please go to sleep, haz. just try not to think about everything. just because you didn't meet her doesn't mean she hates you."

if only louis knew the whole story. "alright"

after that, louis couldn't keep his eyes open, so trying to stay awake with harry wasn't really an option anymore. soon after their short conversation harry could hear the faint sound of louis' snoring which he had gotten used to. at least he wasn't as loud as liam, who was currently snoring up the whole bus.

harry laid down and just stared at the ceiling again. he checked the clock every ten minutes or so until the alarm went off and woke everyone else up at 8:00. harry had no clue how he hadn't noticed that they already had to get up and he hadn't even closed his eyes. he watched as the other lads woke up groggily and stretched before standing up. harry simply just climbed down the ladder and stood up with them.

liam took one look at harry before shaking his head. "what?" harry spoke.

"lad, why don't ya take a look in t mirror !" niall replied sounding concerned. this caused harry to walk over to the bathroom mirror as he sighed looking in the mirror, dark circles surrounded his eyes. he looked downright exhausted.

he walked back out and shrugged at the boys, as if saying there's nothing i can do about it now. the security guards walked into the bus shortly after, telling them that it was time to go. as he said this, he looked at harry suspiciously but liam just told him to leave it alone. the boys walked out of the bus, going to soundcheck as they met some of the fans outside. harry hoped they didn't see his eyes, but let's face it. the fans see everything.

they all walked into the stadium that they were playing tonight. they were used to stadiums now, considering the boys were on their second worldwide stadium tour. but still, the stadiums seemed to get bigger each time they performed in one.

after a while, the boys decided they had had enough soundchecking and were ready, so they went to meet a few more fans. as liam and louis went backstage after meeting some fans, niall and harry decided to stay and chat with some considering they had waited here a long time to see them. there weren't really too many, but still at least 80, maybe. they met as many as they could, and accepted their gifts and took pictures.

as they were doing this, harry swore he could feel someone watching him almost. obviously people were, the fans. but this time it felt different. a creepy kind of watch. he shrugged it off and met the rest of the fans before both of the boys followed louis and liam backstage to grab a snack. he really hoped the dark circles under his eyes weren't noticeable in the fan pictures. if they were, well, that fan would post it then thousands of other fans would repost it calling him sweet pet names while talking about how tired he looked. he had gone through it before.

the boys all sat backstage talking as harry laid down on one of the couches, drowsiness finally making its way to harry, just at the wrong time of day.

he decided he was going to "rest his eyes" for ten minutes and ten minutes only. but ten minutes ended up being 70 minutes and during that 70 minutes niall had decided to draw on harry's face.

but that wasn't important because frankly, he would be surprised if he ever woke up from a nap without having a drawing on his face from one of the other boys, or even lux. it also wasn't important because during those seventy minutes harry had gotten over ten text messages all from the same damn blocked number.

and if harry wasn't scared before, he definitely was now.

sorry kinda short chapter..just wanted to update !

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