Chapter 1 I Stalker

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It was Monday. 

I woke up to my obnoxious alarm. I opened my eyes, sat up and turned off the alarm. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I exited the bed while putting all my maroon blankets on the floor.

I'll make my bed later. Too tired right now.

I walked into my bathroom and turned on the shower. I took my clothes off and put them in the dirty clothes basket.

A few seconds later, the shower went warm, and I hopped in. I washed my hair and body.

A few minutes later, I hopped out of the shower. I grabbed a red towel and dried my hair and body with it. Iooked at myself in the mirror.

I have long black hair and brown eyes, and I'm blind.

I left the bathroom and started walking towards my room.

A couple of seconds later, I arrived. I closed my door and took the towel off.

I grabbed my dark red shirt, red skinny jeans, red bra and underwear and maroon socks from my closet, and my red and white skate shoes from beside my door and put them on my bed.

I put them on.

"Mary, Casey, breakfast is ready!" I heard my mum yell faintly.

"Coming!" I yelled.

I opened my door and left my room.

I walked into the kitchen to see my mum and sister Casey sitting at the table, eating bacon and eggs.

Casey has light short brown hair, brown eyes, and black.

Mum has brown eyes, dirty long blonde hair, and she's black.

I sat down between Casey and my mum. I started to dig in.

So as you can tell, my name is Mary. I am 17 years old, and I have a younger sister called Casey, who's 15 years old and a mum who's 57 years old. My mum, Casey and I all have a pretty good bond. I'm the popular girl at my school. I have a best friend named Danny. I used to have a crazy stalker named Maddy who had a massive crush on me, but she was at my old school, and I moved schools because of that. She would even think we were dating because we fucked once, but I kept telling her that we're not and never will, but she doesn't get it through her tiny brain. She would even follow me everywhere, even when I walked home. And she would even stalk all of the social media that I have.

Several minutes later, we finished eating. Casey and I grabbed our school bags, put them on our backs and headed for school.

Several minutes later, we arrived. We both parted ways. I went out to find Danny.

Several minutes later, I found Danny standing beside Maths on her phone.

Danny has long, light. She has brown hair, icy blue eyes, and she's white.

"Hey, Danny," I said.

Danny looked up from her phone and smiled, and I smiled at them.

"Hey." They replied.

We both hugged each other. The bell went.

"What do you have?" I asked.

"Maths. You?" They asked.

"Same," I replied.

We both waited for the bell to go.

It was maybe about a few minutes later, and the bell went. We both walked into class. We both sat down at the back.

The classroom was rapidly filling with students.

A couple of minutes later, the teacher arrived.

She was holding a brown briefcase.

The teacher put the briefcase down on the desk. She then opened it and grabbed a small stack of paper.

"Today, class, we'll be learning algebra." The teacher said.

Most people, including Danny and I, groaned. The teacher started handing out a piece of paper to each student.

The teacher handed Danny and me a piece of paper each, and we thanked her. I grabbed my red pencil case from my black and white bag and put it on the desk. I grabbed my blue pen from my pencil case and started doing my work.

I noticed someone familiar walk into the room.

It took me several seconds to figure out that it was my stalker.

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