Chapter 11 I First Date

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I was lying on my bed in my room, scrolling through Facebook.

I got a message from Danny.

I opened it.

Dany: Wanna go to the beach?

Me: I'd love to

Danny: I'll come to pick you up b there in 10

I turned my phone off, stood up then left my room. I entered the lounge room to see Casey and my mum watching something on the TV.

I decided to tell them that Danny and I were dating.

I can't even believe it myself.

"Mum Casey, I have some amazing news. Danny and I are dating!" I said excitedly.

"Oh my god, that's amazing!" Mum said happily.

"Good for you. Casey replied happily.

"I'll be going with Danny to the beach in 10," I said.

"Ok, have fun now, and remember to be home by curfew," Mum said.

My curfew is 11 PM

I sat down on the couch and watched whatever there watching was on the TV, waiting for Danny.

Several minutes later, I heard a knock at the front door.

That must be Danny.

"Bye mum, bye Casey," I said as I stood up.

They both said bye to me. I opened the door to see Danna's beautiful face.

"Hey, babe," I said, smiling.

"Hey, babe," Danny replied, smiling.

We both kissed each other on the lips. Danny wrapped her arm around my back, and I wrapped it around their shoulder, and we started walking towards their car. We both hopped in, and Danny started driving towards the beach.

About a few minutes later, we arrived at the beach.

Danny parked their car in an empty parking space, and we both hopped out. We both started driving towards the beach hand in hand.

We were walking and chatting on the warm sand.

"Last one to the water is a rotten egg!" I yelled as I started running towards the water.

"Hey, wait up!" Danny yelled as she chased after me.

I made it to the cool, blue water first.

"Haha," I said.

"Hey, no fair, you ran way before me." They said.

Danny pouted.

"Hey, cheer up, at least you get splashed," I said.

I started splashing them with the water.

Danny loves being splashed.

Several seconds of splashing later.

"Wanna go fro a swoim?" Iasked.

"Yes," Danny replied.

We both started swimming and fucking around in the water.

About 30 minutes later.

"I need a break. Wanna take one with me?" I asked.

"Yes," Danny replied, smiling.

We walked to the shore and then sat down. I wrapped my arm around Danny, and she leaned into me. I kissed her on her forehead.

A few minutes later.

"Wanna continue the walk we had earlier?" Danny asked.

"Yes," I replied.

We stood up and started walking hand in hand.

A few minutes later.

"I'm tired. Wanna head home?" I asked.

"Sure," Danny replies.

We both started walking back to their car.

About a few minutes later, we arrived at their car. We both hopped in, and Danny started driving to my house.

"Can I come over and sleep with you? Not in a sexual way." Danny asked.

"I'd love that," I replied, smiling.

Several minutes later, we arrived back at my house. Danny parked their car in the driveway. We both hopped out, and we both entered my house.

We both walked into my room.

"Wanna take a shower first?" I asked.

"Yes," Danny replied.

We both walked into my bathroom. I turned on the shower as Dany took their clothes off.

"Where should I put this?" Danny asked.

"Just chuck them in the laundry basket," I replied as I took my shirt off.

Danny put their clothes in the laundry basket as I took the remainder of my clothes off. I put my clothes in the laundry basket. I ran my hand under the water, and it was warm enough for us to hop in.

"We can hop in now," I said.

Danny hopped in the shower, and I followed after them.

"Wanna wash each other?" Danny asked.

"Yes," I replied, smiling.

Danny grabbed a red loofah from a hook on the wall and they pumped the soap from the soapm bottle that's on the shelf on the loofah. They started washing my body.

About a minute later, they finished.

"It's your turn," Danny said as they handed the loofah to me.

I grabbed it and started washing her body.

I love doing this.

About a minute later i finished. I put the loofah back on the hook.

"Is hair washing time," I said.

Danny giggled. I pumped some some shampoo from the shampoo bottle thags on the shelf onto my hand and massaged it gently onto Danny's hair. I pumped some conditioner from the bottle that on the shelf and put it in Danny's hair.

"Wash it out," I said.

Danny washed their hair.

"Its my turn now." They said.

They did the same as i did to their hair.

"Wash it out now," Danny said.

I washed my hair our.

"Wanna hop out now?" I asked.

"Yes," Danny replied.

I turned off the shower as Danny hopped out. I followed after them. I grabbed a white towel while Danny grabbed a red one. We started drying each other.

Once we did that, we wrapped the towel around our bodies, then we left my bathroom.

"You can wear my clothes," I said.

Luckily Danny and I have the same size. And the same style.

Danny opened my closet door and grabbed out a white t-shirt, white leggings, white underwear, and white socks.

They put them on the bed and started getting changes.

I grabbed a red t-shirt, maroon shorts, and red underwear.

I put them on my bed and started getting changed. I closed my closet door and then hopped in my bed. I felt the mattress dip next to me and Danny has lied down next to mme.

"Goodnight babe." I said.

"Night, babe," Danny replied.

We both kissed each other on the lips. Danny put her head on my chest, and I wrapped my arm around her.

I soon drifted off to sleep.

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