Chapter 3 I Back Flip

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It was a Tuesday.

Danny, Justin and I were in English.

We were all talking quietly as we did our work.

I heard the roof clattering. I looked out the window to see that it was raining. I stared out at the window watching the rain pour as I fidgeted with my blue pen.

I love the rain.

"Mary stop staring out the window and do your work." The teacher said.

I groaned then I looked back at my work and continued doing it.

Several minutes later the bell rang.

The teacher dismissed us and everyone put their stuff in their bags and flooded out of the room.

Maybe about twenty minutes later it was lunchtime.

We all walked towards the bench.

About a few minutes later we arrived at the bench.

We grabbed our lunches from our bags.

Justin and I were having the same lunch as yesterday, while Danny had some nachos.

Several minutes later we all finished eating. Justin stood on the bench.

I was wondering why he's on the bench.

Unless he's gonna do something stupid.

"I bet you I can do a backflip of this bench," Justin said.

"Good luck," I said.

Danny and I giggled.

"Oh, I don't need it." He said.

He flipped backwards off the bench. He landed on his feet but as he landed he slipped on the wet grass and fell on his back. Danny and I were laughing hysterically.

"Oh fuck!" Justin yelled in pain.

We laughed harder. Justin started laughing too.

"Why are you so stupid?" Danny laughed.

"I don't know," Justin laughed as he stood up.

Danny wrapped her arm around my back and I leaned against her. They kissed me on the cheek. Justin sat back down.

Several minutes later the bell went.

"Fuck!" Justin yelled making Danny and I laugh hysterically.

We all stood up. Danny grabbed my hand and we all started walking to our classes.

"To be honest you two are cute fake couples," Justin said.

Danny and I thanked him.

Maybe about a couple of minutes later Danny and I arrived at art. We both walked into the classroom and sat down at a table and Danny let go of my hand.

I love art class and there are two reasons why. First of all, I love everything about art. I love drawing, painting, sculpting etc. Second of all, we can talk as much as we want without pissing off the teacher and Danny and I do love talking.

A few minutes later the teacher arrived. He started talking.

"Today class we are gonna draw something weird." The teacher said.

I thought about something to draw for a while until I got it.

A donkey riding a dragon (not in a sexual way)

I grabbed my pencil case from my bag and I got out a pencil, an eraser, and a sharpener. I started drawing.

Several seconds later I saw in the corner of my eye Danny drawing.

I wonder what they are drawing.

"Oi what are you drawing?" I asked.

"A mix between a cat and a woman. What are you drawing?" They replied as they drew.

"Nice, and I'm drawing a donkey riding a dragon," I replied.

"So like Shrek?" They asked.

"Yes like Shrek," I replied.

I love Shrek.

"Cool," I replied.

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