Chapter 17 I Graduation

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It was Monday. It was graduation day.

I was at home in my room. 

Our principal is pretty cool, so we could wear and do whatever we wanted for every graduation.

Danny and I were going to wear inflatable t-rexes, and we were both going to play fight at the graduation while Justin was going to wear Lady Gaga's meat dress.

I can't wait until I see Justin in his meat dress. 

I grabbed the inflatable T-rex costume still in the box and left my room.

I plan on putting it on and inflating it once I get there.

I walked into the lounge room to see my mum and Casey talking.

"I'm ready," I said.

"Great. Let's go." Mum said.

We all left the house and hopped in the car. Mum started driving us towards school.

About  20 minutes later, we arrived.

Mum parked the car in the parking lot, and we all hopped out. 

"I'ma go to the gym while yous go find your seat. It should be on the oval." I said.

We went our separate ways.

I soon walked into the gym. I went to find Danny and Justin.

I soon found them standing by the wall, talking. 

As he promised, Justin was wearing his meat dress and looked miserable.

I walked up to them.

"Hey, fellas," I said with a big grin.

They both greeted me. 

"Justin, you look fabulous," I said, smiling cheekily.

I made Danny laugh. Justin pointed his fingers at me, and I laughed. Danny walked up to me and embraced me, and then we kissed. She let go of me, but her arms were still wrapped around my neck, and she was facing me, smiling. I wrapped my arms around her neck as I smiled. 

"Do you got the costume?" I asked Danny solfty.

They nodded their head. Justin sighed.

"Oh, come on, mate, cheer up. It's your graduation day. Soon we'll be all adults and be old enough to drink." Danny said calmly.

"Justin, how did you make the meat dress?" I asked.

"Oh, I bought a short red skin tight dress and a fuck tone of steak and a fuck tone of glue, and I chucked the glue on the steak, and I chucked the steak on the dress, and once the entire dress is covered in steaks, I chucked it outside to dry. And I made the wig by buying a long blonde wig and light blue hair dye and dyed the tips 20 minutes later. I washed it  out and dried it with a blowdry." Justin said.

"Ok," I said, sounding suspicious.

Justin is terrible at DIY, but his mum is good at it, and that dress and wig look good, so it's most likely his mum made it. And besides, he doesn't know how to use a hairdryer. But ok.

Danny can make anyone cheer up by just using their words. And that's what I love about them.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." He replied, smiling.

Danny punched him on his arm gently.

"Let's chuck on these costumes and inflate them," I told Danny.

Danny and I grabbed the inflatable T-rex costume out of our boxes and put them on. We both stared, inflating them.

Soon it was fully inflated. Justine was laughing hysterically.

"You guys look so stupid." He said as he laughed.

He slapped his knee and bent down as he laughed.

Wow, we must look stupid to make Justin laugh that hard.

"Graduation starts now, so everyone heads out of the gym." Said the principal.

Everyone, including Danny, Justin and I, started walking out of the gym and onto the oval. I could hear cheers and laughter from the audience. 

Soon Justine, Danny and I left the gym. Danny and I started running around the oval. We then went in front of the audience and started to play fighting, making the audience laugh harder.

I guess where making the audience laugh harder. Or it's Justin in a meat dress. Who knows?

About 3 minutes later, the principal walked onto the stage.

"Everyone, take a seat, please." The principal announced to us all year 12s. 

We all sat down except for one who decided to take a seat and run around the oval, making the audience laugh. 

"I meant to sit down, not take a sat." The principal said to the person who took the seat.

She must not be happy with him.

The person put back his seat and sat down, grinning.

He must had a blast taking the piss out of the principle.

"Can I have Matilda, Dan, and Larry go to the podium and tell us about some of your good times here?" The principal asked.

Matilda, Dan and Larry stood up and walked to the podium. 

They started telling us some funny and good stories that they had from each year from year 7 to year 12.

My favourite story was when some eshay in Larrry's year 8 math class threw a chair at the window, which shattered.

About 20 minutes later, the principal said,

"I'm gonna hand out the diplomas."

The principal started calling the students in alphabetical order from our last names. 

Soon she called mine. I stood up and grabbed my diploma from her. I walked off the stage to stand beside my fellow students, who also had diplomas.

I'm so happy and excited that I got a diploma.

I wonder what's going to happen next?


This is the very last chapter of Fake Relationship. WHOOP WHOOP!

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